Witnessed this at the S.N.Y.P.D. in cuero today. Follow their page to watch for future events
Don't see us ranting much on here, but we had a RUDE KAREN today, and if you are easily offended by racist lash outs, dont read! (You have to read to understand the video)So, of course, dealing with animals, it is hard to say the exact times we can start, and we will stop. We are running 10 minutes behind today! Felt like listening to easy music today, so we are playing LOFI-easy listening radio on Pandora(elevator music-in the video) it was so we can just talk over the music, and we even turned it down a notch to speak to the new client! Both of our 9am show up together. One older client we know exactly what we are doing to the dog, and the other is a new client that booked one dog, and at the last minute, we squeezed in another dog for her!!! So, in our small lobby stands, one lady holding a dog and another with a push basket with 2 dogs in it. So, as one of us pulls the old clients chart, the other one grabs the old clients dog to clear out the lobby area because, the new client needs to fill out paperwork and go over clip of the NEW dog. At this time, the new client roughly swings open the door and starts to leave! As we walk out to see the problem, she is under her breath, saying ugly words!!! And when asked if everything is alright, she YELLED no and Quoting her exact words "I thought yall only took one client at a time" (we each had a personal dog in the shop, our clients we are working on, and the 2 next clients, one being her)"yall are a bunch of rude @$$ people I was here first and yall took the other dog first" "and my dogs won't be caught listening to that Mexican N¡**er @$$ MUSIC"!!!! In shock, the response was "maam thats a old client that we knew what we are doing on, and i was clearing out the lobby to speak to you, and you can fill out paperwork with room." And all she did was rudely and loudly repeated herself, and i was very offended the way she was yelling those racist words!
Nice show look with a pet look twist. Love the peek-a-boo easy clean feet!
Don't own rights to song!
Warning: Bad Word.
I don't own right to music.
Guys and Gals we are trying to make sure we call everyone back but last week this was all we got screeching in every voicemail and I think chalk board scratching is better then this. I have hand over speaker so it wasn't as loud for the clip but I think I will try to video all of them. I just niticed i think will be able to make out what people are saying after doing small clips for this post. So will call everyone back ASAP