Great information here!!
If you have animals, especially larger animals and livestock, it's really important that you have an idea of who to call and what to do in an emergency. Emergencies are just that- They can come out of nowhere and at inconvenient times like holidays and weekends. They happen when you are 3 ft deep in snow. They happen when the emergency vet is not in town.
Before getting large animals, do you have/know:
✔️ A good relationship with your local veterinarians(s)
✔️ Where your closest vet clinic or hospital is
✔️ Access to a reliable truck/trailer suitable for your animals
✔️ Worked with your animals on catching, leading, trailer loading during the day AND night
✔️ Have medications and correct dosages on hand such as banamine, Bute, electrolytes
✔️ Have a first aid kit with dressings, bandages, vet wrap, scissors, a thermometer, head lamp, gorilla tape....etc
✔️Have a working knowledge of the signs of an emergency
✔️ Either yourself own a firearm or know somebody who can humanely euthanize a large animal if they are in extreme pain and suffering and there is no help coming to allow them to recover, in the absence of an available veterinarian or veterinary clinic.
If you don't have this knowledge, good news, you can invest in the Starting the Donkey Book Series (www.heehawhalfwayhouse.com) to learn more!
All of these things are important to know and be able to do before investing in the animals themselves. Oftentimes owners get the animals before they learn these skills or have a working relationship with professionals that can help keep their animals alive in an emergency.
It's time to change that and think more responsibly about equine ownership. Your donkey/mule/horse isn't a toy, it's a living, breathing creature who depends on YOU to advocate for them and keep them safe. ❤️
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