Another great weekend in the books at Alexandria, LA
2 new titles earned!
-Henley Siberian was WD for a point Fri and WD/BOW/BOB over specials and cut in the group for a 4 point major Sat to finish his Championship.
-Karma BC was Select Fri for a 5 point grand major to finish her Grand Champion0pship
-Ashi BC was WB Sat and Sun for back to 3 point majors putting her at 8 with both majors
-Rouser Pembroke was WD/BOW for a 5 point major Fri
-Reign Siberian was WB for her 4th point Saturday
-Rowena Pem was WB for a point Sat
-Cisco MAS was WD for his 1st point Fri and was RWD to the major Sat and RWD Sun
-Chyna Aussie was WB/BOW Fri for her 11th point and was RWB to the major Sat
-Ember Cardigan was BOB Fri and Sat and BOS Sun for 3 Grand points
-Presley Cardigan was WB Fri and Sun for 2 points putting her at 7 points with a major
-Sassy Cardigan was WB Sat for her 4th point
-Luna BC was RWB to the major Sat
-Fluffy WB/BOB all 3 days
-Chance BC RWD Fri and Sun
Let's hope February is as good as January!