Rucker Dog Training

Rucker Dog Training Dog Training

We are nominated for the Best of Forsyth 2025! You can vote for us once per day during the entire month of October. Plea...

We are nominated for the Best of Forsyth 2025! You can vote for us once per day during the entire month of October. Please help us out by voting and sharing our nomination!

We're nominated for the Best of Forsyth 2025! Please help us out by voting (once per day) and sharing our entry!

Foxy, Ace, Chase, Ava, Candace, and Maggie Mae joined us for a visit, honing their on/off leash obedience, learning new ...

Foxy, Ace, Chase, Ava, Candace, and Maggie Mae joined us for a visit, honing their on/off leash obedience, learning new tricks, and fine-tuning areas their parents wanted to work on. It’s always great to have our Board & Train and class pups back!

Nalla, Penelope, Finn, Lanier, Maverick, and Tucker were back for a visit, working on their on/off leash obedience, lear...

Nalla, Penelope, Finn, Lanier, Maverick, and Tucker were back for a visit, working on their on/off leash obedience, learning new tricks, and focusing on areas their parents wanted to refine. It's always a treat to welcome our previous Board & Train and class pups back!

Chief, Knight, Rosie, Winnie, Nala and Bo came in last week for their Board & Train programs. Chief is working on all hi...

Chief, Knight, Rosie, Winnie, Nala and Bo came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Chief is working on all his on/off leash obedience, not biting or nipping, not eating furniture, or cords, not talking loudly when he doesn't get what he wants, staying on place, and not jumping on the furniture, counter tops and dinner table.

Knight is working on all his on/off leash obedience, not jumping on people, jumping up onto bed or into car, and not chewing furniture.

Rosie is working on all her on/off leash obedience, learning her basic commands in Spanish and not counter surfing.

Winnie is working on all her on/off leash obedience, potty training, not biting and chewing the furniture, sitting on a lap without biting, walking on a leash and coming when called.

Nala is working on all her on/off leash obedience, walking on leash, and not using the bathroom in the house.

Bo is working on all his on/off leash obedience, not jumping on people or counters, his listening skills, and behaving in public places.

We have another foster upate! This week we are excited to share Maggie's story! We are so happy that Maggie has found he...

We have another foster upate! This week we are excited to share Maggie's story! We are so happy that Maggie has found her forever home! Meet Magnolia and hear her story:

"In August 2020, Scot sent me this picture of a lopsided looking labradoodle and said “This is Maggie”. I immediately responded with “is she available? When can we meet her?” And made plans to go for a meet and greet the next day. The morning I left, my husband said, “bring that dog home- she can’t not have a family” and she’s been our sweet girl ever since!
Maggie immediately started going to school with me and I quickly realized the difference between ENJOYING therapy dogs on campus and BEING A HANDLER. We had a lot to learn, but over the next few weeks, many classes later, a lot of practice, and Maggie is one of the best dogs I know. She served as a therapy dog at Lambert HS and came with me to start the Haw Creek Pack, which now has 7 dogs!
Now, big sister to Tallulah, a Rucker Retriever and therapy dog in training, Maggie continues to be the perfect addition to our family. Our experience as a Forsyth Humane Society adoptee has been terrific and I highly encourage anyone looking for a new furry family member to learn more about the amazing power of adoption!"

Happy Labor Day! 🎉 We hope everyone enjoys a fantastic weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone and  all our Beginner...

Happy Labor Day! 🎉 We hope everyone enjoys a fantastic weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone and all our Beginner and CGC pups back in class next week—practice hard for test week!

Peach, Shelby, Junie, Bentley and Jasper came in last week for their Board & Train programs.Peach is working on all her ...

Peach, Shelby, Junie, Bentley and Jasper came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Peach is working on all her on/ off leash obedience, not jumping on people, her potty training, heeling on leash, and not biting stuff.

Shelby is with us from Barkville Dog Rescue and is working on all her on/off leash obedience, her separation anxiety, crate anxiety, not moving her crate or pooping in it, not pulling things into her crate, building her confidence, and her slight resource guarding with other dogs. Shelby will be looking for her perfect family once she completes her training.

Junie is working on all her on/off leash obedience, not jumping on people, tables or counters, not barking for attention, not picking things up she shouldn't and running away, crate training, separation anxiety, and potty training.

Bentley is working on all his on/off leash obedience, not demand barking, laying down, not barking out window, not begging for food at the dinner table, coming on command even when he is distracted, allowing his ears to be cleaned, pottying outside only, not brings in sticks and to eat, and not playing too rough.

Jasper is working on all his on/off leash obedience, fetching and releasing, door bell, not barking out window, not pulling on leash, greeting other dogs on walks, laying down, his fear of UPS/Fedex trucks, his confidence, and his socialization with other dogs.

It's time for another Family Friday! This week we are so excited to share Travis and Gus's story! After we heard Travis'...

It's time for another Family Friday! This week we are so excited to share Travis and Gus's story! After we heard Travis's story we knew we could help him and his family with their new pup. We are so happy that they are a part of the Rucker Dog Training family and couldn't imagine it without them. Meet Travis and Gus and hear their story:

"Always being a dog loving family, it came naturally to want a service dog. In February of 2022, Travis sustained a Spinal Cord Injury while snowboarding. Becoming paralyzed from the chest down presented a lot of life changing issues. While learning to adapt to the challenges, his wife Bree reached out to long-time friend and Breeder, Philmar Dobermans for a puppy. Once we picked "Gus" out, we started doing research to find a Dog trainer to help! Rucker Dog Training checked all our boxes for our journey! They did a wonderful job building a foundation for us and Gus. They gave us the tools and knowledge to grow on that foundation of Training. They have been a huge support for us as a team and achieving goals for Gus. Now that we have gained confidence, Gus is now enjoying his everyday life as a service dog. Our life isn't as easy as it once was, but with the help of RDT Gus makes hard days better, and Travis's life easier. Rucker Dog Training is now a huge part of our family! "

Kimi, Mia, Litta, and Willow came in last week for their Board & Train programs.Kimi is working on all her on/off obedie...

Kimi, Mia, Litta, and Willow came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Kimi is working on all her on/off obedience, crate training and potty training.

Mia is working on all her on/off leash obedience, her aggression towards other dogs and muzzle training.

Litta is with us from Southern Cross Germany Shepherd Rescue and is working on all her on/off leash obedience, her confidence and socialization around dogs and people, her barrier and leash reactivity around other dogs.

Willow is working on all her on/off leash obedience, potty training, not eating it...,not climbing on the table and chair, and not chewing on the carpet.

Happy Foster Update day everyone! This week we are so excited to share Chief and Sam's story! We are so glad Chief found...

Happy Foster Update day everyone! This week we are so excited to share Chief and Sam's story! We are so glad Chief found a great home! The Rucker Dog Training Family would not be the same without them! Meet Sam and Chief and hear their story:

"I’ve had Chief for 5 years now. At 15 years old, I was able to convince my mom and stepdad to adopt him for me. He was absolutely perfect and made teen girl life easier having him by my side. He loves to swim, hike, play fetch, and go anywhere I go. I ended up spoiling him a bit too much and didn’t take class seriously enough. Since coming back to advanced class this year, he has done wonderfully controlling his impulses and dog reactivity (created by my lack of consistency). He really is my best friend and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. I have fallen in love with the training and am proud to now work for Rucker! "

No classes this week! See everyone back the week of September 9th! Enjoy the break.

No classes this week! See everyone back the week of September 9th! Enjoy the break.

Congrats to our most recent Canine Good Citizen graduates! We can't wait to see how you all give back to your communitie...

Congrats to our most recent Canine Good Citizen graduates! We can't wait to see how you all give back to your communities.

Kalan and Winnie, Lisa and Cooper, Linda and Sophie & West and Indy.

Chloe, Violet and Rori came in last week for their Board & Train programs.Chloe is working on all her on/off leash obedi...

Chloe, Violet and Rori came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Chloe is working on all her on/off leash obedience, leave it, staying off the furniture, not licking, and letting mom know when she needs to go outside.

Violet is working on all her on/off leash obedience, waiting, down, her recall, not digging and chewing, and walking on a leash.

Rori is working on all her on/off leash obedience, not pulling on leash, listening when distracted, staying close when off leash, and not jumping on people or counters.

Happy Family Friday everyone! This week we are excited to share Zuzu and her family's story! We have loved getting to kn...

Happy Family Friday everyone! This week we are excited to share Zuzu and her family's story! We have loved getting to know this family and are so proud of the progress they have made with their pup!

"Zuzu was 7 weeks old when we got her. She was a gentle and easy-going puppy. As Zuzu continued to quickly grow, we realized that her temperament was different from the previous Rotties we’ve had. She was food-aggressive, dominant, and reactive/protective and we realized we had a different personality on our hands who was becoming a strong alpha. We began to research dog trainers and after meeting and reviewing a few decided to engage with RDT. This was a great decision on our part as we started puppy class a bit late compared to her other classmates as she was one of the “bigger” kids in class.
The RDT team was able to highlight some of the reactivity issues Zuzu was experiencing. Next, we enrolled in the “In home board and train” and this was a game changer for us. It allowed us to be trained as well with the RDT methodology. Her completion of that helped Zuzu and us. It gave us the confidence to manage her differently so she could reach her potential, The advanced classes and specialty classes have also given us more things for her to experience.
A heartfelt thank you to Scot, Whitney, and the RDT team for how they have helped us work on the challenges of personality, perspective, and happy dog happy life. We are happy to be part of the RDT community."

Wilbur was with us for 4 days of Puppy Head Start.  Frank did a great job getting him started with some of his basic com...

Wilbur was with us for 4 days of Puppy Head Start. Frank did a great job getting him started with some of his basic commands and walking on a leash.
We have Puppy Head Start spots open. This program is for any pup 8-15 weeks old. Great for getting them started with basic manners, crate training, and potty training.

🐾 Georgia, Hugo, Roman, Zuzu, Tilly, Jett, and Teddy stopped by for a training refresh! They did great reviewing their o...

🐾 Georgia, Hugo, Roman, Zuzu, Tilly, Jett, and Teddy stopped by for a training refresh! They did great reviewing their on/off leash obedience, picking up new skills, and showing off some fun tricks. Can’t wait for their next visit and to see them in class soon! 🌟🐶

Welcome back to another Foster update! Casper found his forever home several years ago. He is happy to be showing the sk...

Welcome back to another Foster update! Casper found his forever home several years ago. He is happy to be showing the skills and talents he learned from the classes at Rucker. Casper is the ultimate play companion, growing closer and closer to his loving dad who cherishes every moment he spends with him.

“I have always loved dogs since I was a kid. After I retired in 2020 I started to look around and a friend recommended Rucker Training. In early 2021 I found out Rucker had rescued an 8 month old German Shepherd pup from Forsyth Humane Society named Casper. They trained him and I adopted Casper in April 2021. Shortly after I started Advanced classes so I could become trained as well!

We have enjoyed numerous classes including Advanced, Agility, Trick, and CGC classes. Casper was a "Goofball" and we struggled with CGC. I was ready to give up but everyone at Rucker encouraged me to continue. Our perseverance paid off and Casper finally graduated. If not for the enjoyment of the Rucker classes and all the trainers, my bond with Casper would not be as great. We may not use his skills to his full potential however we love going to Lowes and Home Depot to visit all the employees. They look forward to our visits and miss us when we take a break.

Casper goes almost everywhere with me. We have traveled many thousands of miles ranging from Florida to Kansas in the last 3 years. Our favorite things to do are travel, play frisbee, catch, and go for walks. He is my companion and shadow. I wouldn't know what to do without him!”

Boss, Beau, Lily and Kallie came in last week for their Board & Train programs. Boss is working on all his on/off leash ...

Boss, Beau, Lily and Kallie came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Boss is working on all his on/off leash obedience, walking on a leash, to stop barking on command, not biting, jumping or chewing, not showing aggression when he's being redirected or corrected, and not marking inside.

Beau is working on all his on/off leash obedience, walking on a leash, to stop barking on command, not biting, chewing or jumping, not showing aggression when he's being redirected or corrected, and not marking inside.

Lily is working on all her on/off leash obedience, not barking at the vacuum, not barking at everything, not nipping at the kids or strangers, and allowing her family to brush her.

Please see this week's class schedule for Chicopee Woods Ag Center in Gainesville. This is week 4 for our Beginner class...

Please see this week's class schedule for Chicopee Woods Ag Center in Gainesville. This is week 4 for our Beginner class. This is the last week before a few weeks off to prepare for your Beginner test!

Please see this week's class schedule for Happy Dogs Play & Stay in Cu***ng. This is week 4 for Beginner class. This is ...

Please see this week's class schedule for Happy Dogs Play & Stay in Cu***ng. This is week 4 for Beginner class. This is the last week before a few weeks off to prepare for your Beginner test!

Please see this week's class schedule for the Rucker facility in North Forsyth. This is week 4 for our "Personalized" Be...

Please see this week's class schedule for the Rucker facility in North Forsyth. This is week 4 for our "Personalized" Beginner classes and CGC. Please remember this location has limited space and parking so only pups registered for each class may attend. Last week before a few weeks off from class to prepare for your tests!

Thank you to everyone on our therapy team that volunteers their time each week to make a difference in the community.  I...

Thank you to everyone on our therapy team that volunteers their time each week to make a difference in the community.
If you’re interested in joining please contact us.

Welcome back to another Family Friday! Today we are sharing Derby and Tilly's Story! Tilly is a fellow  and Derby has co...

Welcome back to another Family Friday! Today we are sharing Derby and Tilly's Story! Tilly is a fellow and Derby has completed almost all of the classes we offer and has become a Therapy Dog! We are proud to have Stacy, Rod, Derby, and Tilly as a part of our Rucker Dog Training and Rucker Retriever Family! Introducing Derby and Tilly:

"Our journey with RDT began in the summer of 2020 after we adopted our tripod GSP, Derby. Derby is one special dog and with the help of Scot Rucker and the RDT team, they helped us begin our journey of owning a therapy dog. On our first day in beginner class, Scot told me that “I needed to take my mom heart out of her training. Derby can do anything!” She can and does. She has taken beginner agility and has passed her CGC test. We joined Mission Syrah Paws, which has changed not only our lives but many others!

Now, flash forward 3 years and meet Tilly! Tilly is part of Rucker Retrievers and on her way to do great things! We became her guardian in May 2023. Even though we cannot take the credit for her training, we continue to put in the work to make her the best she can be! We have learned through Scot that training is a lifelong commitment and you get what you put into it. There is tremendous joy in a trained dog! When people ask about our dogs, we give all the credit to Scot and his team!"

Vail, Roscoe, Chi Chi, and Finn came in last week for their Board & Train programs. Vail is working on all her on/ off l...

Vail, Roscoe, Chi Chi, and Finn came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Vail is working on all her on/ off leash obedience, not jumping, pawing, digging or nipping and coming when called.

Roscoe is working on all his on/off leash obedience, staying off counters, not eating everything he can find, not eating all the bread, not eating Christmans lights, coming when called, and not taking mail and packages.

Chi Chi is working on all her on/ off leash obedience, walking on a loose leash, her patience, and not jumping.

Finn is working on all his on/off leash obedience and his fear of large trucks and noises.

Guess what everybody! It's time for another foster update! This week we are excited to share Ruby's story! We are so pro...

Guess what everybody! It's time for another foster update! This week we are excited to share Ruby's story! We are so proud of Ruby and how far she has come! Meet Ruby and hear her story:

Our family has been so blessed since adopting Ruby! When we first met Ruby, our family had recently lost a beloved pet. Ruby is so sweet and loving, with just enough spiciness to keep us laughing. She quickly and easily became a loved member of our family!

We were fortunate enough to adopt Ruby after she had been through advanced training, so we went right to work with CGC. After passing CGC, Ruby started working as a therapy dog, visiting many special needs classrooms daily. She is a rockstar at school and the students and teachers love her!

At home, Ruby enjoys playing in the yard, eating Mom's plants, and tagging along with the family wherever they go. She is a loyal and loving girl; we can't imagine our family without her! We are grateful to the Rucker family for helping make this happen!

🐾 Topper, Remi, Reese, Jake, Cleo, and Captain joined us for a bit of training fun! They did an awesome job reviewing th...

🐾 Topper, Remi, Reese, Jake, Cleo, and Captain joined us for a bit of training fun! They did an awesome job reviewing their on/off obedience, learning new skills, and showing off some cool tricks. We’re excited for their next visit and hope to see them all in class soon! 🌟🐶

Goose, Charley, Jet, and Toccoa came in last week for their Board & Train programs. Goose is with us from Dirt Road Dogg...

Goose, Charley, Jet, and Toccoa came in last week for their Board & Train programs.

Goose is with us from Dirt Road Doggie Rescue and is working on all his on/off leash obedience, his high prey drive and learning to be his best dog self. We are thrilled Goose will be leaving us to go to his forever home once he completes his training.

Charles working on all her on/off leash obedience, walking on leash, not jumping on people to greet them, and all her puppy manners.

Jet is working on all his on/off leash obedience , his confidence around new people and noises, not barking at everything and his socialization.

Toccoa is working on all her on/off leash obedience, her recall, breaking obsessive focus when needing to redirect, running away and not ignoring commands and instruction.

Please see this week's class schedule for Chicopee Woods Ag Center in Gainesville. This is week 1 for our Beginner class...

Please see this week's class schedule for Chicopee Woods Ag Center in Gainesville. This is week 1 for our Beginner class. Hope you all have been putting the work in at home! We can't wait to see your progress.


6196 GA/400
Cu***ng, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 5pm





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A Lifetime of Adventure

Experience the ultimate freedom with your pup! Off Leash starts with obedience and every month we help 100’s of families build an incredible foundation of confidence!

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