Shoreline Pointers & Salty Bullyz.

Shoreline Pointers & Salty Bullyz. We would like to thank you for your interest in our GSP , GWP AND AMERICAN BULLYZ


I know I’m not the only one that holding on. Sometimes I feel like I’d be better off in the dark with Trav because I miss him so much but I know everything‘s gonna be OK. One day when I’m with him again this is the most unbearable pain that anybody could ever indoor and why guy does this to mother and I will never understand it until I meet God one day. My life has been nothing but fu***ng hell for the past two years with friends, acquaintances, the dog world and family and I just can’t fathom why people dismiss me or think that I’m blaming them for what has happened in my life because I don’t, when I’m telling you my story and what is going on with me and that I need positive energy and something to look forward to it’s because I go through hell every day of my life and unless you lost a child, you will understand it! Losing a parent is hard I’ve been through that and that was I thought unbearable to lose my dad and it took a toll on me but I’m OK now but the pain from losing a child it is it ripped your heart out every day and they triggered every day. And a bad thing about triggers for me and why I’m having such a hard time moving forward is because of my epilepsy which triggered my seizure, my PTSD and my anxiety from losing my son .
So, what I’m trying to say behind because you honestly don’t know what anybody is going through behind closed door and and do the best that you can that day and if somethings are said, that hurt other peoples feelings apologize because you never know what tomorrow bring I never take anybody’s kindness for weakness because I would never do something like that. I appreciate everybody that has been there for me and supporting me Through this situation for the past two years. And those friends and family that don’t you know just check in and say hey are you OK? However how are things going but you showed up for the funeral you know what I can say to you kiss my fu***ng assbecause I would never do that to someone when you lose a child it’s a whole Nother fu***ng game and Durant. Have a blessed and beautiful night.

WINNING ISNT EVERYTHING ! Having fun with your dog is the main goal!!!! DONT LOSE SIGHT OF THAT perspective

WINNING ISNT EVERYTHING ! Having fun with your dog is the main goal!!!! DONT LOSE SIGHT OF THAT perspective

Absolutely this is me 😂

Absolutely this is me 😂




Psalm 101:11-12 highlights the impermanence of human existence, likening it to a shadow and withering grass. In contrast, the Lord's endurance is eternal and His memory lives on through the ages.


Big Boss Burritos for lunch !!! Love when the food truck is in Moyock !!!!


You can’t talk pain with me.. I seen my heart in a casket 💔


This was great info I read today :

What is epilepsy in dogs ?

Epilepsy is a disorder where an individual has recurrent seizures. Epilepsy can have a known cause (e.g., a brain tumor) or an unknown cause (known as idiopathic epilepsy).

Seizures happen when electrical signals in the brain cause neural cells to become too excited. This imbalance leads to physical and behavioral changes, known as a seizure. Seizures can be caused by many things, including systemic disease, brain disorders, exposure to toxins, and low blood sugar.

Seizures are a sign that there is something wrong with how the brain is functioning, but seizures are a symptom, not a disease. Seizures can be focal (affecting one part of the body) or generalized (affecting the whole body).

What are the signs of seizures and epilepsy?

Most dogs with inherited or idiopathic epilepsy begin having seizures as young adults (1-3 years of age).

Focal seizures may lead to twitching of a specific body part (e.g., facial muscles, chewing, paw movements), fearful behavior, or even salivation and vomiting. Generalized seizures may include convulsions, stiffening of the body, loss of control of bladder and bowels, falling over, and severe shaking or trembling. Seizures usually last one to two minutes.

Seizures can happen when a dog is sleeping or at rest, or during activity.

Some dogs may have signs of fear or anxiety before they experience a seizure. After a seizure (known as the postictal period), dogs often experience disorientation, anxiety, and blindness. Other dogs will behave normally after a seizure. Some dogs are neurologically normal between seizure episodes.

Are some breeds more likely to experience epilepsy?

There are several breeds at higher risk for seizures. Some of the more commonly affected breeds include Beagles, Pugs, Border Collies, Boxer Dogs, Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Poodles, Springer Spaniels, and Rottweilers.

What to do if your dog is having a seizure

Make sure your dog is safe and can’t injure themselves (e.g., fall down stairs)
Close doors to restrict your dog’s movements during and after
Stay calm and avoid handling your dog’s mouth - they will not swallow their tongue, but they could bite you
Do not place anything in the dog’s mouth during a seizure
Start a timer: If the seizure lasts more than five minutes, your dog needs emergency veterinary care
After a seizure

Your dog may be disoriented or even unable to see for several hours – contact your veterinarian if this is prolonged, especially if they are behaving aggressively
Try to keep your dog in a quiet, low-stress environment
Make note of the seizure in a calendar so you can track episodes, including duration, circumstances (to help identify any possible triggers), and your dog’s behavior before and after
If your dog has three or more seizures in one day, seek emergency veterinary care
Diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy

Idiopathic epilepsy is generally a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning other causes for the seizures have been ruled out.

Treatment options for epilepsy

If the epilepsy has a known cause (e.g., a brain tumor), in some cases, surgery may reduce or eliminate seizures. For most dogs, some type of medication will be prescribed to control seizures. The goal is to first control seizures, then to find the lowest effective dose for maintenance.

Antiepileptic medication is generally needed for the lifetime of the dog, and some dogs may need multiple medications. Many dogs will require their dose of medications to be increased over time as they develop a tolerance. Medications can have side effects, such as lethargy and digestive upset, so it is important to work closely with your veterinarian to give your dog the best possible quality of life while minimizing the seizures.

Dogs with epilepsy will need routine blood work. If your dog has severe epilepsy, you may also want to work with a veterinary neurologist to support your treatment plan.


Many dogs can live a long and active life with epilepsy medications and routine veterinary care. It is estimated that over two-thirds of epileptic dogs can be well-managed on medication. Some dogs may continue to have seizures, which is why regular veterinary visits can help you monitor and adjust any medication as needed.

Research has shown that caregivers of dogs with epilepsy experience heightened levels of stress, due to the unpredictable nature of seizures, and because they found their dog’s seizures upsetting to witness. If your dog has epilepsy, it may be helpful to find an online support group and to create a local network of friends and family who can support you in your care for a dog with special needs.

Breeding decisions

Dogs may develop seizures after reaching breeding age, making it challenging to prevent all breeding of epileptic dogs. Once diagnosed, dogs with epilepsy should not be bred; epilepsy is believed to be heritable, even though candidate genes have not yet been identified. Based on pedigree analysis in several breeds, close relatives of dogs (siblings, parents, offspring) with epilepsy are also considered at high risk for developing epilepsy themselves and should not be bred.


Erlen, A., Potschka, H., Volk, H. A., Sauter‐Louis, C., & O'Neill, D. G. (2018). Seizure occurrence in dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK: prevalence and risk factors. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 32(5), 1665-1676.

Heske, L., Nødtvedt, A., Jäderlund, K. H., Berendt, M., & Egenvall, A. (2014). A cohort study of epilepsy among 665,000 insured dogs: incidence, mortality and survival after diagnosis. The Veterinary Journal, 202(3), 471-476.

Kearsley‐Fleet, L., O'neill, D. G., Volk, H. A., Church, D. B., & Brodbelt, D. C. (2013). Prevalence and risk factors for canine epilepsy of unknown origin in the UK. Veterinary Record, 172(13), 338-338.

AAHA: Epilepsy in dogs is harder on owners than we thought. Veterinarians can help.

Canine Epilepsy Network

University of Missouri Veterinary Health Center Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy

VCA: Epilepsy in Dogs




Ephesians 6:4


By Dr. Mikel Delgado, PhD, and Dr. Nate Ritter, DVM

Bloat is an acute-onset condition where a dog’s stomach distends or fills with gas. In some cases the condition does not progress beyond this, but unfortunately, bloat can quickly become more serious. Bloat can lead to a condition known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) complex or stomach torsion. In this case, the stomach not only fills with gas, but then twists, blocking both its entrance and exit. As the stomach presses on the diaphragm, breathing may become difficult. The veins that carry blood to the heart are compressed, reducing blood flow and causing an affected dog to go into shock. If you see signs of bloat, you should treat it as a medical emergency - GDV can be fatal within an hour.

What to watch for in your dog

Signs of bloat and gastric dilation-volvulus include:

An enlarged, hard stomach
The stomach is painful when touched
Non-productive attempts to vomit, or coughing
Difficulty breathing
Pacing or restlessness
A fast heartbeat
Risk factors for bloat and GDV

Any dog can be affected by bloat and GDV, but larger dogs (over 50 lbs) with a deeper chest, such as German Shepherds, Standard Poodles, Great Danes, Saint Bernards, Akitas, Bloodhounds, and Weimaraners are at greater risk. Purebred dogs are also more prone to bloat and GDV than mixed breed dogs.

There are some “lifestyle” factors that may be associated with GDV, such as being fed once a day and being a fast eater, as well as an anxious temperament. Older dogs, and dogs with a family history of bloat also appear to be at higher risk.

Treatment of bloat and GDV

Unfortunately, there is no home treatment for bloat or GDV, and while simple bloating may resolve on its own, it can still be life threatening and dogs should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Emergency treatment involves stabilizing the dog, addressing any signs of shock, and decompressing the distended stomach (either by placing a device called a trochar into the stomach through the abdomen or passing a tube down the esophagus into the stomach). X-rays are used to determine if the stomach has twisted.

If a dog has GDV, surgery must be performed as soon as the dog is stabilized. Surgery will return the stomach to its proper positioning and remove any dead tissue. If the spleen is damaged it may also be removed. In many cases, a gastropexy is also performed. Gastropexy is a surgery that can permanently fix a dog’s stomach into place, preventing future episodes of GDV.

Prognosis for dogs with GDV

The overall mortality rate for dogs with GDV is estimated at 50%. Research suggests that emergency surgery increases the rate of survival to around 80%. Dogs with heart, tissue or organ damage upon treatment have a higher mortality rate.


As there is no one definite cause of GDV, it’s important to recognize the signs and seek immediate treatment. Dog owners can also take some simple steps that may reduce the risk of GDV:

Feed your dog smaller meals more frequently
Try slow feeder bowls to help fast eaters
Provide your dog with a safe, quiet place to eat that is separate from other animals
Dogs with a more easy-going temperament also appear to be at lower risk for bloat and GDV although the relationship between anxiety and this condition is unclear.

Some dog owners may choose to have a gastropexy performed preventatively on their dog, especially if the dog is from a high-risk breed. This is often performed during neuter surgery. A gastropexy will not prevent bloat, but it will prevent a dog from having GDV, and for some dogs, can be a matter of life or death.

Inheritance of GDV

GDV is heritable and appears to run in families. To date, no studies have yet identified any genes that could be used to identify at-risk dogs. Breeders should use pedigree information to make breeding decisions, and should not use dogs for breeding who have had issues with bloat/GDV or who have relatives (parents, siblings, offspring) who have experie


LOOKING FOR AMALE GSP PUPPY .? I have a stunning male here . Ready to go !!! Contact me !!!!


One person passed away & my whole life changed.


The old self dies hard, and the new one must develop strength to face the challenges of life. Another way to say it is that new self must develop sufficient can’t shock resistance. Give yourself time to become a custom to this holy new person. If you fail at first, so be it. Find the grace to rise above the Valeur and continue striving to live as a new person. So what if you need to start again several times? This is the Day of life. You won’t do anything perfectly the first time no one dies but each time you courageously begin again, your new self become stronger. Don’t put yourself down or allow others to put you down . You are in charge; show the world you will I am power to become your new self, your true self. Becoming and being a new and true self is your gift to the world. God always has your back. He will never leave you or for sake you keep a positive mind set on God first in all things are possible.


Trevis Ligon SINCE YOU PASSED AWAY I HAVE BENN FU***NG PI**ED AT THE WORLD . I hate this new normal life


For couples so eager to call it quits after the infatuation wears off, to throw in the towel on your relationship because everything isn't ‘perfect'... here is some food for thought. Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. It's not waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It's not cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep. It's not a clean home, filled with laughter and love making every day. It's someone who steals all the covers, and snores, it's slammed doors and a few harsh words at times. It's stubbornly disagreeing and giving each other the silent treatment until your hearts heal, and then offering forgiveness. It's coming home to the same person every day that you know loves and cares about you in spite of, and because of, who you are. It's laughing about the one time you accidentally did something stupid. It's about dirty laundry and unmade beds. It's about helping each other with the hard work of life. It's about swallowing the nagging words instead of saying them out loud. It's about eating the easiest meal you can make and sitting down together at a late hour because you both had a crazy day. It's when you have an emotional breakdown and your love lays down with you and holds you, and tells you everything is going to be okay. And you believe them. It's about still loving someone even though sometimes they make you absolutely insane. Loving someone isn't always easy, sometimes it's hard. But it is amazing and comforting and one of the best things you will ever experience.
If you are blessed to have a wonderful partner in your life, then copy and paste the above, attach a picture of the two of you, and post it! I want to see couples pictures of all my friends please!!!


I am announcing my Faith publicly. You don't like that? Unfriend me. I am a Christian & I Love Jesus Christ, despite the fact that I'm human and I fail Him daily. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He was crucified on the cross where He died for my sins. He rose again on the 3rd day to give me salvation. He loves me dearly and forgives my sins. His Word (The Holy Bible) says that if I deny Him before men, He will deny me before The Father in Heaven. This is the best challenge I've ever seen on Facebook. If you love Him and you're not ashamed, make this your status update. I’ve watched my Savior do what no man can and therefore I will not waver in my faith!! I am a child of God!


It rubbed some the right way and some the wrong way with lots of different opinions about my opinion ... and I still say the same 💁‍♀️

It seems that the ultimate goal for dog owners is to have a dog they can bring to a dog park because that must mean their dog can tolerate and deal with anything 🧐

And I wonder why that's so important?

I understand that many owners with this as their goal in mind, doing it with the best intentions, assuming they’re doing the right thing and are improving the quality of their dog’s life. And for a small amount of dogs, it can be a great experience.


If you have a dog that doesn't really enjoy other dogs, you don't do your dog any favor trying to get him to a point where he can "tolerate" being at the dog park...usually it's quite the opposite and you'll lose your dogs trust that you got his back.

Or if you have a dog that enjoys playing really rough, why is it so important that he can "play" with the miniature doodle at the park rather than finding him a personal play mate that is on his level?

There's many reasons why I don't bring my dog to a dog park regardless of how well tempered and balanced my dog would be...the environment is just way too uncontrolled.

It's like going to a night club, you never know what to expect LOL

The fact that the majority of dogs are dog selective, meaning they prefer a more social circle than having to hug and kiss every stranger they come in contact with, is just another one.


Currituck, NC

Opening Hours

9am - 5pm




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