Maiden voyage to Virginia Beach Fall for Adoption Event in the New Rescue Bus!
To the Care A Lot in Moyock: Thank you for inviting us to hold our Adoption event at your location! 💚💚💚 One of our beloved kitty cats found a forever home! Thank you to the volunteers who helped us transport and were hands on the whole day. We have more events coming up in July and volunteers are welcome and needed. July 17th is the next date at thos same location... if You're willing to volunteer please message us!
My in home entertainment center is better than your's and it comes with surround sound!
Life is too precious to allow even the tiniest of creatures to slip through the cracks! Share your love!
Caught on a glue trap just now. I hate these traps!
I released her a week ago and today she cam back with her brother. Worried for their safty around the dogs!
I set her free a week ago. Today, she came back with her brother. I worry for their safty around the dogs.
Sadie Mae waking up to 3 chihuahuas and says "I love you".