A great SCWTCA webinar coming up 12/3/24!
Dermatological issues! Tune in!
****Updated with a bio about our Presenter****
Join us for the next Wheaten Webinar - Ed Jazic
DVM, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology, Founder
Dr. Ed Jazic received his Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from the University of Toronto in 1994. He then earned his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 1999. While at the University of Illinois, he served as president of the Theta chapter of Omega Tau Sigma and was active in community and social events.
After graduation, Dr. Jazic worked in private practice for three years in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area of Florida. Dr. Jazic completed his dermatology residency with Dermatology for Animals in 2005 and received board certification in veterinary dermatology in 2006. He has published an extensive review of the clinical, infectious, and histopathological features of feline acne in the international journal Veterinary Dermatology. Dr. Jazic has authored chapters in several veterinary textbooks on the subjects of feline acne and cutaneous tumors and ticks.
As a child, Dr. Jazic spent three years on a farm in Croatia. He credits those years with fostering his love of animals. He speaks Croatian fluently. In the past decade Dr. Jazic has adopted six furry felines named Sherlock, Watson, Felicity, P.W., Janet and Krissy. Outside the hospital, he enjoys traveling, sports, live music and spending time in his native Toronto.
Please join us before the Holiday season completely takes over for this informative webinar 12/3/24 at 7 pm Est.
We promise to make sure we can have more than 100 participants. We apologize for that but are working on that webinar now.
Send advance questions to [email protected].
****Please share with Wheaten groups and dog groups and Clubs******
Susan Ratliffe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SCWTCA Webinar Atopic Dermatitis Dr Jazic DVM
Time: Dec 3, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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