Ears Up Dog Training

Ears Up Dog Training Family dog trainer serving the DFW area. Private lessons in your home, board and train programs available!

We use a balanced approach to dog training in a way that is natural for a dog to understand.

There will ALWAYS be people out there that do things recklessly in dog training. However, I have seen far more damage do...

There will ALWAYS be people out there that do things recklessly in dog training.
However, I have seen far more damage done to honest, well meaning owners by telling them they are incapable.
You are capable! Study other trainers and their work. Try new things. Buy the right tools if you need them! And just get up and start doing!
You and your dog are mastering a language together. Even for me as a trainer, I don’t always get it right the first time with a new dog I met only a few minutes ago.
Enjoy the journey!

Limiting free roaming, creating a schedule, and having a way to communicate is vital to success. Adult dogs become naugh...

Limiting free roaming, creating a schedule, and having a way to communicate is vital to success.
Adult dogs become naughty because they have a patterned behavior that was practiced over time. Raising a puppy comes with many advantages. You can control what kind of habits your dog will have long term.

These are the most common myths I hear. Our world is full of misinterpretation of dog behavior.If you equip yourself wit...

These are the most common myths I hear. Our world is full of misinterpretation of dog behavior.
If you equip yourself with the truth, you will be able to address any issue appropriately.
What are some myths that you hear often?

I hear people say all the time “let them be a dog” or “they can’t help it”. For example, your Jack Russell raps at every...

I hear people say all the time “let them be a dog” or “they can’t help it”.
For example, your Jack Russell raps at everything moving by. This may be a genetic predisposition for a hunting terrier to have drive to chase down moving objects. But this doesn’t mean we can’t suppress it.
Providing outlets for your dog to practice the behavior they have been bred for isn’t bad. But even dogs used for their intended purpose are being suppressed when the behavior isn’t appropriate.
A hound dog that howls at every sound is also a genetic trail used for hunting wild game. But if he lives in your apartment complex, you’re going to evicted or fined at some point!
Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for suppressing behavior.

Couch privileges will not necessarily “ruin” your dog. However, we see patterns with this stuff. Typically when a dog ha...

Couch privileges will not necessarily “ruin” your dog. However, we see patterns with this stuff. Typically when a dog has unlimited freedoms and no boundaries, the dog more likely makes poor choices.
So examine the relationship you have with your dog. If your relationship feels more like a transaction and is full of negotiations and manipulation, then tighten up on structure. If your relationship feels smooth and is full of respect and mutual understanding, then enjoy!

Dogs are always practicing behavior patterns. What they do and today will be what they do tomorrow. A lot like us! If an...

Dogs are always practicing behavior patterns. What they do and today will be what they do tomorrow. A lot like us!
If an issue was addressed and properly communicated, we will get a different pattern of behavior. Our choice of communication is the e collar!

We use e collars for life. It’s an object for communication. Do I utilize the function every time it’s on? Not always. B...

We use e collars for life. It’s an object for communication. Do I utilize the function every time it’s on? Not always. But when I do, I’m glad I had it!
E collars go on when we are in the yard, outside the home, when guests come over, when in the crate during the day. The only time they come off is at night (if there are no behavior issues) and sometimes hanging around the house (again, if there are no behavior issues).
Don’t make it a goal to get rid of the tool fresh out of training. Be glad that you have a better form of communication! E collars are your best friend. Not the enemy.

YOU DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU::: However, this one I have experienced many times with owners that have bells on the back doo...

However, this one I have experienced many times with owners that have bells on the back door or the dog whines/barks to be let out.
This one requires you to put on your logical cap for a minute.
Your dog is demanding something it wants! And I am here to tell you this is not something you want to encourage.
Other demanding behaviors start to manifest in other areas. In my experience, I can almost guarantee the same dog is jumping on guests, selective listening, disregarding rules, pushing boundaries, pulling, you name it.
I can’t speak for every sing dog in existence. But when it comes to dogs I am working with because of undesirable behavior, this is one thing that contributes to a bratty attitude.
Actually address the whining with structure. If your dog is begging to be let out even though you just let them out an hour ago, put them on place.

It’s a hard pill to swallow. The reason my dog isn’t listening is because there is no meaning in my communication. Some ...

It’s a hard pill to swallow. The reason my dog isn’t listening is because there is no meaning in my communication.
Some dogs issues are more complicated than others but it all comes down to communication.
Most owners just want a dog that comes when called, holds commands, stops doing XYZ.
A trainer can do all the obedience with rewards but if the respect and building the dogs need to be follower isn’t there, then obedience is meaningless.
Unless a dog can be calm, listen, and hold a command out of compliance, than there is no point.

“That dog looks sad” actually, my dog is calm! Just because a dog isn’t in a constant state of adrenalized excitement do...

“That dog looks sad” actually, my dog is calm! Just because a dog isn’t in a constant state of adrenalized excitement doesn’t make a dog unhappy. In fact the opposite is true.
Give your dog the gift of calmness!

Even though some owners have never had a bad experience at a dog park, it is just a matter of time. These places breed b...

Even though some owners have never had a bad experience at a dog park, it is just a matter of time. These places breed bad behavior. You do not have control over who brings their dog inside and not all households have the same rules.

I always opt for not approaching a dog I don’t know in public. Especially if I have children! But sometimes you may find...

I always opt for not approaching a dog I don’t know in public. Especially if I have children!
But sometimes you may find yourself in a conversation with an owner and the opportunity arises to greet a dog. Here are good guidelines to follow.

I hear owners say all the time they weren’t consistent with training or let things slide. Being consistent is actually e...

I hear owners say all the time they weren’t consistent with training or let things slide.
Being consistent is actually easier than you think. Every little thing you do everyday adds up. You have to let your dog outside so might as well make sure they don’t bolt out the door.
You take your dog on a walk. Might as well work on maintaining a heel and structure
All the little moments add up to be either success or disappointment.

Lots of owners have told me they feel bad for crating their dog. Most of the time this comes from the way we feel about ...

Lots of owners have told me they feel bad for crating their dog. Most of the time this comes from the way we feel about it. Not how our dog feels about it.
The crate is a safe place for your dog. Regardless how your dog feels about it, it is in their best interest to learn how to be calm and controlled while in the crate.

A dog is a dog is a dog. They NEED to adapt and accept the things you have them do, especially when that thing is what’s...

A dog is a dog is a dog. They NEED to adapt and accept the things you have them do, especially when that thing is what’s best!
There is not room for guilt when it comes to crating your dog.

Just start and don’t be scared! Get educated, find a method you like, make a plan, then go for it. Unless you’re an abra...

Just start and don’t be scared! Get educated, find a method you like, make a plan, then go for it.
Unless you’re an abrasive person with bad intentions, then you will not ruin your dog by using an e collar for communication.

Staying consistent is easier than you think. It takes me about 10 seconds to get my dog into a follow for an enjoyable w...

Staying consistent is easier than you think. It takes me about 10 seconds to get my dog into a follow for an enjoyable walk. If my dog bolts out the door, we reset and try again. If my dog goes bonkers for the leash, we do ‘place’ while I get ready.
It should be a no brained! Yet as a trainer, it is the most discouraging to hear that an owner has let their dog get “bad” again. Why?
You let your dog out to potty everyday. If you did nothing else, use every moment to enforce leadership. Make them be patient, make them come when called. Be firm in every moment!
There is zero excuse! Training works, but you actually have to do it for success.

If you touch a hot stove, you will get burned. There will always be consequences to our actions, good or bad. That’s rea...

If you touch a hot stove, you will get burned. There will always be consequences to our actions, good or bad. That’s reality!
When training, it is important to give a dog feedback as to whether we like a behavior and want more of it, or we dislike a behavior and want less of it.
Unfortunately because of the soft, feel good society we live in, you will not find a good video on performing a firm and fair correction.
There is quite a bit of context that goes into it. The concept is simple but every dog is different. It all depends on how the dog PERCEIVES the feedback you are giving.
For example:
Your dog is ball obsessed. After a day of good behavior, you go out to throw ball as a reward.
Let’s say your dog couldn’t care less about a ball. The reward would not be valuable. Maybe they enjoy off leash hikes instead.
Let’s say your dog didn’t change their behavior after a stim on 40/100 on your e collar. That dog perceives the level to not be valuable.
Dogs will change behaviors if the consequence was valuable enough to avoid the behavior in the first place.
So use a little bit of brain power and imagination and find what works.
Remember to be the firm but fair and balanced leader your dog needs.

Picture this… You get a new puppy. Your puppy started off well with structure, crate training and some leash waking. By ...

Picture this…
You get a new puppy. Your puppy started off well with structure, crate training and some leash waking. By 4 months old your puppy is now potty trained and gains more access and freedom.
A lot of owners out there start to dismiss behavior and make excuses for their dog because they are a puppy. Now the dog has free access to the home, unlimited toys, food and affection and is excused because of their age.
Remember you are raising a dog! Not a puppy!
By the time a dog is 6 months old, they should be able to understand boundaries, follow you on a leash and be quiet in the crate.
As soon as your expectations change, you will change how you interact with your dog. The result is better behavior!
Change starts with you!

There is no gray area. There also is no such thing as replacing a bad behavior with a good behavior. Bad behavior needs ...

There is no gray area. There also is no such thing as replacing a bad behavior with a good behavior.
Bad behavior needs to be addressed with “no”. And the good choices can be reinforced with “yes”. We suppress or eliminate the bad and encourage the good. It really is that simple!
The reason a dog will start to flourish in a well structured and disciplined environment is because we are encouraging those good choices. It is as off we are weeding the garden so the flowers can bloom.
Sometimes we unintentionally encourage the bad by giving too much freedom and affection and not implementing a proper “no”. Tighten up on those boundaries and pay attention to what you are saying to your dog through your actions.

Holidays are coming up! I am already pretty busy over thanksgiving. We will be in Broken Bow over Christmas. Plan ahead ...

Holidays are coming up! I am already pretty busy over thanksgiving. We will be in Broken Bow over Christmas. Plan ahead and have a great holiday season!


Easily my favorite breed to train 😄

Just like all training aids, an e collar is a tool. It is the tool of choice for me and my clients to communicate the be...

Just like all training aids, an e collar is a tool. It is the tool of choice for me and my clients to communicate the best we can with our canine companions.

Dog training really is generally straight forward. It’s about the mindset. Are you prepared to do the work? It may seem ...

Dog training really is generally straight forward. It’s about the mindset. Are you prepared to do the work? It may seem hard at first, but will become second nature. The sooner you start, the easier it will be.

By limiting their freedoms such as limiting access to the home, crating, and using a leash to control movement are ways ...

By limiting their freedoms such as limiting access to the home, crating, and using a leash to control movement are ways to make sure your dog knows the boundaries.
Too much freedom, and your dog develops a disrespect and entitlement for privileges. Because I love my dogs, I discipline them and give them structure.

The training might look different. The approach might be slower, softer, firmer, or different types of tools are used. B...

The training might look different. The approach might be slower, softer, firmer, or different types of tools are used. But no matter what the dogs past is, leave it in the past. Feeling guilty or sorry for a dog only stunts the dogs growth of moving past their issues.

These are thee most common issues. And almost always are symptoms of the absence of: 👉🏻 Structure (the opposite of free-...

These are thee most common issues. And almost always are symptoms of the absence of:
👉🏻 Structure (the opposite of free-for-all)
👉🏻Accountability (consequences for actions)
👉🏻 Consistency (being a believable leader)
If any of these things are not in place, then these behaviors will start to crop up.

Small dogs deserve training too! (And need it!) Why is it that small dogs get such a bad rep? Because of their size, own...

Small dogs deserve training too! (And need it!)
Why is it that small dogs get such a bad rep? Because of their size, owners tend to baby and coddle them and in return the dog learns that there are no boundaries.
When there are no boundaries, then any behavior is acceptable.
Training is exactly the same as any dog no matter the size.

You can argue all day long on what method is best and what is “science based”. So many ideologies, ego, and emotional op...

You can argue all day long on what method is best and what is “science based”. So many ideologies, ego, and emotional opinions out there.
As an experienced trainer, I have found what works for me and my clients and that’s all that matters. In the end, ask yourself “does my dog respect me or do they abuse me?” Do you have control or does your dog run the house? Depending on the answer will tell you the things you need to work on.


The reason dogs are pushy, entitled, don’t listen, or demanding is more likely due to too much freedom.
Take away the privileges they are abusing such as free roam, free access to toys and food, doggie door or bell, couch or bed and affection. Give them a structured schedule, use a leash, enforce permission.
Dogs will only do what works and pleases them. The reward is a lifestyle of balance with freedom/affection and structure/discipline.
Now Kai can enjoy doing all the activities with his family!


Keller, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 5am
Sunday 1pm - 5pm


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