When it comes to working with your reactive dog, we like to think of it as collecting good coins in a jar.
What does that mean? Picture two jars. One jar, your current jar, is full of “negative” coins because you’ve had so many moments of reactivity. The other jar seems empty at the moment. Now, when you start working through the reactivity and you get good moments, meaning you are able to safely pass by a trigger without a reaction, you put one coin from the “negative” coin jar into the “positive” coin jar. And slowly, over time, you’ll be able to collect more and more good coins so your walks with your dog become more neutral and calm.
How do we get there?
- By working on ourselves so we can learn how to remain calm and control to influence the dog’s energy. If you get frustrated, fearful, angry, anxious when you see a trigger, you’re not helping your dog because you’re just joining them in their arousal.
- By understanding your individual dog, how their mind works, learning about dog psychology, their body language, what fulfills them…
- By using space to your advantage. Don’t throw yourself and your dog into the midst of something neither of you are ready for. Don’t run away when you see a trigger either. Create enough space where both you and your dog can remain calm and in control. You can decrease the distance over time.
- By using yourself as a buffer between your dog and the trigger. If the trigger is coming on your left, put your dog on your right so you communicate to your dog that you’ve got it. (Switch your dog from left to right and back every once in a while even when there’s nothing there so they don’t build an association that you only do this when there’s a trigger).
- By reaching out to a professional to help you. No shame in asking for help.
- Maybe you try out a different tool to help. This is not going to be your cure for everything but sometimes, a different tool can help.
We have some great training opportunities coming up. Group classes, one day workshops etc. where we can help you create a game plan for you and your dog. Go to our website dogfitdallas.com to check it out.