We love this idea!
Searching for an affordable and hassle-free way to treat your dog this holiday season? (Disclaimer: Always supervise and provide alternatives if your pup decides the paper looks too tasty!)
Thank you @kristinatrainsdogs for sharing.
#dogenrichment #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainersofinstagram #positivereinforcement #forcefreetraining
Adoptable Fig is a blind adolescent shepherd mix girly. It’s unclear whether her vision loss is congenital or due to trauma.
She came to Dallas Pets Alive in pretty rough shape, and while initially she seemed pretty scared of the world, her confidence is definitely blossoming! Fig’s foster mom has been working on labeling things for Fig as she discovers the world around her, while giving her agency to explore at her own pace.
Recently we were able to introduce Fig to her foster brother and it was so sweet to see her enjoy the company of another dog buddy. She’s so sweet to everyone she meets and we can’t wait for her to find a home of her own.
If you’re interested in learning about Fig, reach out to our rescue partner, @dallaspetsalive for more info.
#adoptabledog #blinddogsofinstagram #positivereinforcement #forcefreedogtraining #dogteainersofinstagram #dogtrainingadvice #rescueismyfavoritebreed
Adolescent Corgi Maple was once a little bit nervous with strangers in public, but more recently she’s become curious about them (which looks like pulling Mom to go sniff). Sometimes Maple wants to actually greet the person and sometimes she just wants to gather information and may shy away from a stranger reaching down to interact with her.
We’re working on engagement and building her confidence during consensual greetings. We are also practicing gathering information from a place of safety instead of directly approaching, as we know this can be confusing to people on the receiving end!
Giving Maple a ‘go say hi’ release cue gives her a predictor of what is likely to happen (an interaction) and the ability to opt in or out! Either way the ticket is engagement with mom, we honor her choices and she gets snacks after! Here’s what it looks like when Maple DOES want to say hi - look at that wiggly Corgi butt! Way to go Team Maple!! 🍁
[VD: Maple, a corgi, and her handler work on going to say hi to trainer Kristina.]
#dallasdogtrainer #positivereinforcement #forcefreetrainer #dogtrainersofinstagram #rewardbasedogtraining #behaviormodification #dogtrainingtips
Sometimes, we need to step up our treat game, and this team is a big fan of using hotdogs as a valuable reinforcer for behavior. Remember: the more difficult the task, the higher the value of the reinforcer should be!
What are some ways you level up your treat game so your dog is able to do hard things?
Thanks @wolvesofglendale for making this fire sound 🔥👏
#dogtrainersofinstagram #positivereinforcement #dogtrainingtips #dogenrichment #rewardbasedogtraining #forcefree
Keeping it cool.
#dogtrainingtips #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogsummer #stayingcool #enrichmentfordogs
When you beg and plead with your dog that indoor activities are better than playing or long walks in the mid day heat... so you compromise and do outdoor activities inside the house 😂
#dogdaysofsummer #itshotoutside #dallasdogs #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #positivereinforcementdogtraining #mentalenrichment
One thing we love about The Big Feelings Club, is our flexibility in creating a training environment around what sets up each individual dog for success. Reactivity is not black and white, and there is a huge range of variables involved in creating successful training (threshold, triggers, exhibited behaviors, etc) that shape our behavior plans for each dog.
In this video we have:
Rocket, the black and white border collie, nervous about other dogs and their proximity to him
Maggie, the golden doodle, is frustrated that she can’t say hi to every dog and person
Zoey, the pittie in the distance, is working through reactivity in regards to her arousal and over stimulation when dogs are present.
Each dog has a different threshold, and we are able to work this trio in the same space while being mindful of their capabilities and distance needed. If you’re a current client interested in our next round of TBFC, send us a message and we’ll get you on our list. It is beyond beneficial for any of our clients working through any level of reactivity.
#dogtrainersofinstagram #behaviormodification #forcefree #rewardbasedogtraining #dogtrainingtips #reactivedogs
Harley is working on foundation steps for muzzle conditioning, so she can be introduced to her new cat sibling, Toby.
Hot tip: We like to start all muzzle conditioning by teaching a dog the behavior of putting their nose into objects. This makes the transition of that already known behavior easy peasy when introducing the actual muzzle 💪 💜
[VD: A longer hair black dog practices the behavior of putting their nose in a large plastic tub with their human]
#muzzleupproject #dogtrainersofinstagram #positivereinforcementtraining #forcefreetraining #muzzlemovement
Juneaux is a box shredding queen! Shredding is a natural dog behavior, and providing our dogs with outlets for shredding minimizes unwanted destruction. Not only is this activity enriching, but it also helps break down boxes for recycling. Double win!
[VD: A black and white heeler dog, tugs and shreds a box enthusiastically]
#enrichmentfordogs #dogbehavior #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainersofinstagram #positivereinforcementdogtraining #forcefree
Rocky has some feelings about people and dogs outside of his fence line.
He just wants to say hi, but they just keep walking by. So frustrating!
We’re working on a Control Unleashed pattern game, Give me a break, to help Rocky move away from the fence line with his handler and therefore preventing the escalation of barking/lunging and generally losing it. He’s doing such a nice job and his mom is working extra hard to help her happy good boy learn to self regulate 👏💙
[VD: A golden boy, with his mom handler, approach the back yard fence. While trainer Tiffany is on the sidewalk outside the yard. Rocky approaches the fence then follows mom back towards the home. ]
#dogtrainersofig #positivereinforcement #dogbehavior #reactivedog #forcefree #rewardbasedogtraining #dogtrainingrevolution #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice