March 2025 Heartworm Treatment - 50% off
Heartworm Treatment Special! 50% off Immiticide injections for March - FIRST COME; FIRST SERVE!
If you have a heartworm positive dog that needs treatment, now is the time to get scheduled. We are offering a 50% discount on heartworm treatment during March. PLEASE READ ALL DETAILS BELOW BEFORE MAKING YOUR APPOINTMENT:
This discount applies to JUST the Immiticide injections. It does not apply to: doxycycline, ProHeart, Iverhart, or any additional services. This discount is for any injections given in March, regardless of if it’s the 3 injections or the 2 injections. If your dog has already had the first injection and still needs the 2nd and 3rd injections, we can provide those at 50% off, but it is not retroactive to the first injection. Your dog MUST have a positive heartworm test, be cleared for receiving the injections, and have had the doxycycline and heartworm prevention prior to getting the injections. Any exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
There are no county restrictions. Boarding is possible for $25/night on a limited basis.
To schedule the appointment, call 706-671-1104, option 4. If you do not reach a person, leave a voicemail with a good time to return your call. We will call back in the order received. PLEASE ADD OUR PHONE NUMBER TO YOUR CONTACTS SO THAT OUR RETURN CALL DOES NOT GO STRAIGHT TO VOICEMAIL.
There is no limit per household. We will post when the spots are filled.
Any additional services that are opted for or approved by the owner will be the responsibility of the owner. Payment will be due at pick-up. If your dog has fleas, we will provide flea prevention at the owner’s expense.
Give us a call and let’s take care of those life-threatening parasites!
For more information on heartworm disease, please visit our website at www.mykidshavepawsvet.com Click the education and information tab.