It's Clinic time!
I will be putting on my first clinic of the season! I will be working with mustangs with very little handling and teaching how to communicate with them!
For the last Eight years Mustangs have been my focus! These horses are very overpopulated and they really need our help to give them the best chance at domestic life we can give them!
Mustangs are very sensitive souls and they reflect our souls as humans. Just like us they go through trauma, pain, love, and hope. The feel the way humans do.
This clinic is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to read and communicate with your horse using body language!
DLR Mustang Ranch will be hosting a 2-day clinic March 9-10th with Kelsey Spencer of Wild Ride Equine. The first session begins at 10:00am each day with a provided lunch. Afternoon session begins at 1:30pm. Audit only for this first clinic for $75 a day or $125 for both days. This is nonrefundable and payment to reserve your spot must be submitted by March 4th.
During the clinic, we will use mustangs with little training focusing on:
* Catching
* Haltering
* Desensitization
* Picking up feet
* Learning how to read and communicate with the horse through body language
During the clinic you will learn how to read and communicate with a mustang through the horse's body language.
Kelsey has specialized in mustangs for 8 years and has competed in 8 Extreme Mustang Makeovers. She has been a TIP trainer for 8 years as well. Kelsey has 21 years' experience working with problem horses as well as saddle training countless horses.
"Training horses is an ART to me. The horse speaks through their body, and I listen." ~ Kelsey
Come to the clinic and learn how to speak horse!
If you have questions or want to reserve your spot, please contact Renee Lackey at [email protected], direct message, text or leave a message at 740-457-3984 and I will return your call as soon as I am able. We look forward to seeing you here!!