This. Bravo Doug Johnson for calling out the issues with parent clubs today. I've said this many times before, they are nothing more than cliques for the most part. I can relate to this article fully. While I am a full member of the parent club for my breed - and the 1 person in the club who has championed the breed for the longest in the US- (I was accepted when the breed club was aiming for recognition and needed members to obtain this, so I was allowed in) another long time person in the breed I sponsored was not admitted. In our breed club, one kennel controls every position on the Board. We have no diversity in that area. If that kennel doesn't like you, or if you beat their dogs too often, then you aren't allowed in. The pettiness of this is insane to me. In my case, I sponsored a person who has been in the breed as long as I have. This person is the person who bred the only American-bred dog of our breed ever to win Westminster and the first male to do so. When I sponsored this person, they were denied. I objected at our annual meeting, and while making my case for membership, the Secretary of the club, who had the former top dog and was threatened by my friends, objected to their membership bc they said this person was "too controversial". Of course, I asked how we define controversial and the President of the club went - in the words of a judge friend who was in the meeting - unhinged. The call was rapidly ended with no one else allowed to speak or ask questions. Inappropriate things were shared by the President and, yes, were reported to AKC. At the end of the day though, the club got what they wanted and blocked my friend, one of the originals in our rare breed in the US, from joining. The "clique" was able to keep out the person they didn't like. In a sport that is struggling to maintain participation, this is exactly what is doing harm to it. We need to be open. We need to welcome people in with different views. We need to listen more and talk less. We need to be inclusive. I cant speak for the other breed clubs out there, but as the person in my breed club who has champions and support the breed the longest, I urge the American Azawakh Association to do better. Open our club to new members and stop the divisiveness of not allowing in people who threaten those in charge. I believe that every single person who applies for membership in clubs should be allowed in. That is the only way we are to survive. We must be inclusive.
Exclusivity in parent clubs can hinder purebred dog progress. Learn how opening doors benefits breeders and the whole dog community.