A Paw to Hold Pet Care

A Paw to Hold Pet Care A Paw To Hold is a Navy Veteran --> veterinary nurse who travels to give baths, NTs, + care.


Happy pride month to all who celebrate :D


Just a quick reminder. Your dog needs purpose. Do not take it away.


Beneficial effects of environmental enrichment early in life have been shown across many species, including dogs and humans. Early enrichment can be protective against age related decline later in life.

As pets age, their mobility and cognitive function decline, impacting their quality of life. Some pet parents think that activity isn't as important for older pets. That is not true. "Use it, or lose it" as they say. Especially with seniors, it is critical to find ways of keeping them engaged despite their physical capabilities changing. Puzzles are one of my favorite tools for this.

🌟 Studies show the effects of aging can be slowed down by mental and physical stimulation. How can you work it into your pet's daily routine?

Learn more about cognitive dysfunction here: https://tinyurl.com/ykysbvbv

Here to remind pet lovers of Dawsonville, “A Paw to Hold” is it available to help you with your furkid needs! We are ope...

Here to remind pet lovers of Dawsonville, “A Paw to Hold” is it available to help you with your furkid needs! We are open to dogs, cats, rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, Guinea pigs, and various reptiles!
At this time we are only doing check-ins, scheduled walks, bathing and brush outs, and, of course nails!
Please reach out and we can discuss scheduling and pricing !

“There is no love that can replace a pets love. It is special in the most individual way.”



🧁 Maltodextrin is a sugar/alcohol additive that’s commonly added to supplement ingredients like probiotics. Maltodextrin’s claim to fame is its glycemic index, which is higher than any other food. This means maltodextrin and other dextrins spike blood sugar faster than any other food or ingredient, which can cause obesity, metabolic diseases and other health problems.

Look for maltodextrin on the label - but be aware that when dextrins are added to supplement ingredients, they don’t have to be listed on the label. For optimum safety, ask the supplement manufacturer if any of the ingredients contain maltodextrin or other dextrins, especially if you are buying probiotics.

Click the link below to read more about the risks maltodextrin for dogs ...


Happy first day of summer! Welcome to ! The pouch is definitely out! art credit: Isabelle Melançon Secondlina


Like most dogs, Thunder likes to play catch. So, when he saw Amy Chaplin throw a large chlorine tablet into the family’s backyard swimming pool, he thought it was game on.


Summertime is here! As you and your pup spend more time outside, here are several backyard toxins to keep an eye out for!

Great Share for Mother's Day!

Great Share for Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is quickly approaching! If you're thinking of gifting a dog loving mom in your life a bouquet here is a great graphic from our friends at Veterinary Health for some pet safe and toxic flowers.

Be sure to keep your pets healthy by researching which flowers and plants are safe especially if you have a curious dog or one who likes to graze through a garden.

Port City Veterinary Referral Hospital Peak Veterinary Referral Center SAVES - Small Animal Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Veterinary Urgent Care - Nashua


The Tickless tag emits ultrasonic pulses that are imperceptible to humans and pets, but interfere with the ability of parasites to orient themselves to your pet.

By fastening the tag onto your pet’s collar, parasites can be kept away for 6-12 months. Layer on a natural repel spray for extra protection!

I love the Tickless tags because they are a chemical-free and non-toxic preventative, making them safe to use with all pets—young, elderly, ill, pregnant.

➡️ Get one for your pet here: https://drjudymorgan.com/products/tickless-classic-pet-chemical-free-tick-and-flea-repellent?variant=39778016559182

More on fleas, ticks and heartworms here: https://linktr.ee/drjudymorgan


Puppy socialisation is NOT just about playing with other dogs.

In fact, too much uncontrolled exposure to other dogs can cause so many unintended consequences.

If you have a puppy, make sure you try to work on ALL aspects of socialisation, as listed in the bottom graphic.


January is the APDT's National Train Your Dog Month - It's never too early to start with positive training.


Here at PSI, we always say that pet sitting isn’t for the faint of heart—and it goes beyond “just a job” or even a career…it really is a lifestyle!

Being a professional pet-sitting or dog-walking business owner is more than dog walks and cat cuddles.

👉Ask any professional pet sitter who has missed holidays with their families, extended pet-sitting visits to ensure an ailing pet was comforted or felt the loss of a client’s pet passing.

👉Or better yet, ask one of the hundreds of thousands of pet parents who benefit from the services of professional pet sitters and dog walkers every year.

👉Ask the pet owner who was alerted by his professional pet sitter that his dog’s behavior was unusual and recommended an emergency vet visit—saving the dog from dying from canine bloat.

👉Ask the pet parent who was able to call her pet sitter at 2 a.m. when she learns that her mother—on the other side of the country—has been admitted to the hospital in critical condition and is able to secure pet care as she rushes to the airport.

👉Ask the family whose professional pet sitter has graciously agreed to sit with them as their 15-year-old cat with late-stage chronic renal failure has to be euthanized.

Spend a day with a pro pet sitter or dog walker and you’ll know what those of us at PSI know without question:

Pet sitting is serious business. It’s a career…a lifestyle…a passion. ❤🐾

THANK YOU to the pet sitters and dog walkers making the world a better place for pets and their people!


According to Chinese Medicine Theory, the kidneys hold the life essence, or Jing. Healthy people are born with 100 years of life essence. If you live a balanced life with no excesses or deficiencies, your kidney fire will not burn out until your 100th year. While pets are not born with 100 years of life, the healthy dogs and cats are born with the animal equivalent. That means the average dog should make it into their 20s and cats should live to be almost 30 years old. Sadly, this is a rarity these days.

Highly processed, deficient diets, coupled with environmental pollution, poor genetics, overuse of vaccinations, medications, and chemicals all combine to greatly shorten the lives of our beloved pets.

Foods to tonify Jing include liver, kidneys, fish, bone, bone marrow, chlorella, spirulina, seaweed, black sesame, ghee, bee pollen, and almonds.

Learn more about Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Food Therapy in my book, Yin & Yang Nutrition for Dogs.


Have You Tried Offering This Root Veggie to Your Pet?

Turnips are safe and healthy! 🤍 When sharing a bite of turnip with pets, steam it first, then mash, puree or chop it into bite-sized pieces.

More nutritional benefits of turnips are discussed in today’s free article.

Learn more about the benefits of turnip to pets: http://bit.ly/3NVFoq8


Tips to Calm a Cat With Separation Anxiety 🐈❤️‍🩹

Most cats are securely attached to their humans, which means they can develop feline separation anxiety when they’re apart from the people they’re attached to. 😿 Signs of feline separation anxiety include crying or meowing excessively when their favorite humans are away, refusing to eat, eliminating outside the litterbox and grooming excessively.

If you think your cat has separation anxiety, these tips may help minimize their anxiety and bring them comfort. ⬇️🐱

For more signs of feline separation anxiety, visit today’s free pet health article.

Learn how to recognize separation anxiety in cats here: http://bit.ly/3UrmZ7i


It's one of the sweetest days of the year for humans - 🍫. Maybe not so much for your pet, though (especially your dog).

Chocolate toxicity is one of the most commonly treated toxicities in dogs, particularly during the holiday seasons. This chart spells out which types of chocolate are the most toxic.


Shrinking Kitty Syndrome 🐈

Many cats can lose their ability to digest dietary fats and protein efficiently as they age, making them lose weight or “shrink”. If you have a senior cat, using enzymes to support digestion and nutrient assimilation can help them maintain their body weight as they age.

Visit today’s free blog post to learn my recommended diet for older cats. 🐱

Learn how to help your cat maintain a healthy weight as they age here: https://bit.ly/3gmYrx0


Your cat sees things differently than you. 👁️🐈 Let’s see your cat’s beautiful eyes, ⬇️😻 And check out today’s free pet health article about how special your cats’ eyes are.

More about cats’ eyes here: https://bit.ly/3RV7B0Q


The Tone of Your Voice Matters 🗣️

A study found that the reward center of dogs’ brains is strongly triggered by praise, but only if spoken in an encouraging and upbeat tone. So if you want to tell your pup they’re a “good boy” or a “good girl,” make sure to say it in an upbeat, joyful way. 🐶💕

To learn more about the findings of the studies, visit today’s free pet article.

Click here to learn more about the importance of praising your dog with an upbeat tone: https://bit.ly/3MmFNiV


I have seen this herb save so many lives, literally drop elevated liver enzymes🩸 by half in just a few weeks!!

According to multiple studies, if you have a dog (or cat) with liver issues and you aren’t already giving your pets’ milk thistle (silymarin), you are missing out on the most important liver-restoring, “life-saving🆘" herb on the planet!

Just released last week, a new study on milk thistle showed the herb had incredible hepatoprotective properties when fed to dogs. “Hepatoprotection” is the ability of a substance to prevent liver damage.

Not only does it help to regenerate a damaged liver, but it’s also anti-aging according to longevity researchers!

In our new book, The Forever Dog, Dr. Karen Becker and I have it listed in our “Supplemental Habits for a Long and Healthy Life” section as one of our most important supplements to rotate into a dog’s🐶 diet plan. We also list the best “detox” dose🥄 to give a dog using the latest research. Available for pre-order now: https://foreverdog.com/about/

Rodney Habib


Important health checks you should know how to do at home for your pets. 🌡🐶🐱

At some point your veterinarian might ask you to do some health checks at home to monitor or maintain your pet’s health. 🩺🐾

On today’s Inside Scoop episode Dr. Karen Becker and Dr. Susan Recker will teach us how to do some important health screening and general maintenance on your dogs and cats at home. Some of the things they'll be demonstrating how to do include:

- Free catch urine for testing
- Take your pet’s temperature
- Check for dehydration
- Trim your pet’s nails
- Pill your dog or cat
- Check your pet’s heart rate

Plus much more! You don’t want to miss this important episode!

Join us today at 12pm ET. 🙌

👉If you haven’t joined our subscription group of 2.0 pet parents and want to learn more, just click the link below or head over to the Planet Paws page and hit the blue "Subscribe” button to join our weekly Livestreams + Archives!



How to Keep Fleas at Bay 🐕🛡️

Fleas aren't typically attracted to healthy pets. They're drawn to the weakest animals they can find, so one of the best defenses against these pests is to strengthen your pet’s immune health by feeding them a nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate diet, as well as removing the environmental factors that can negatively impact them. 👍

For more ways to protect your pet from fleas and ticks, visit this free guide: https://bit.ly/3wjeUY7


Air fresheners can emit and generate a range of potentially hazardous air pollutants, many of which are listed on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste List⚠️ (keep reading for our safe DIY alternatives). The chemicals used in many room sprays have been associated with adverse effects on human health, including migraine headaches, asthma attacks, skin reactions, infant illness, and in some cases carcinogenic changes🧬, but what about our pets? 🐶

Our dogs share our living experiences 🏠, inhaling the same air and exposed to the same pollutants. They also suffer the same health consequences, but many animals cannot escape indoor environments with polluted air.

For an easy DIY home fragrance, create an aromatic stove-top simmer pot using your favorite herbs and spices:
· Bring a pot of water to a soft boil and add one of these Seasonal DIY scents (or create your own):

· Seasonal DIY scents:
🎃Fall: apple slices with peel, 2 cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, ground nutmeg, you can also replace water with apple cider
🌲Holiday: fresh cranberries, 1/2 orange slices with peel, 2 cinnamon sticks, whole cloves
🌱Spring: 2 bay leaves, 3 sprigs of rosemary, lemon slices, a few drops of vanilla extract
☀️Summer: grapefruit slices, 3 lavender sprigs, a few drops of almond extract

· After adding your aromatics, reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours, adding additional water if necessary.

In our new book, The Forever Dog, we give you more tips, hacks and easy steps to take to minimize your pet’s environmental stress, along with supplements to help reduce the toxic load on your pet’s body. 🐾

Available now at www.foreverdogextras.com/pet-longevity


Why growling should never be punished and also never be ignored
Not all growls are negative. Some growls are play growls, attention seeking growls, pleasure seeking growls or frustration growls. They may all sound a little different and may be unique to the particular dog. This post is not about different types of growls, but about warning or aggressive growls.
When a dog growls, maybe even at us, the natural human response is to feel offended and maybe even angry. Surely dogs need to learn not to growl, growling is bad, growling is unacceptable, growling is a problem and needs to be punished so a dog learns it’s wrong, disrespectful and not to do it again, right?
NO, this couldn’t be further from the truth! A dog that growls has just provided us with a very valuable communication signal. In their way, they have just communicated to us how they feel without resorting to a bite. Dogs use growling in an attempt to avoid having to resort to biting, not to initiate it. They could just as easily have not even bothered to growl and gone straight to a bite.
Growling is a dog's way of saying "please stop," "stay away from me," "go away," “I’m not comfortable with this and I’m feeling threatened”. A dog that growls is trying hard to communicate and punishment suppresses this ability to communicate. Punishment doesn’t change the level of the dog's discomfort; it creates more stress and the dog will feel more threatened.
Growling is not the problem. Growling is the result of and the symptom of a problem. A dog that bites without the warning of a growl is a far more serious problem than a dog that growls but doesn’t bite.
Look for any other early warning signals that may precede a growl. Recognize and take note of what makes your dog feel threatened and create distance between your dog and whatever is triggering them.
Be grateful for the gift of a growl - it provides us with an opportunity to address the cause & prevent the bite.


76 Tinsley Chapel Road
Dawsonville, GA


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