Our #easterbunny finally laid her eggs 😍 #farmfresh
🥰 #chickensofinstagram #hatchingeggs #hatching #hatchingchickens #chickens
I prefer chicken eggs when eating them plain, but I LOVE to bake with duck eggs!
#homestead #homesteading #homesteadinglife #homesteadingskills #freerange #freerangeducks #duckeggs
To be fair…it took us 2 years to escalate
Chicken math | homestead | homesteading | chicken keeping | free range chickens
#chickensofinstagram #homestead #homesteadlife #homesteading #homesteaders #freerangechickens
What’s your favorite breed? #homesteading #homesteadinglife #freerangechicken #raisingchickens
Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Every second. #homesteadliving #homesteadlife #homesteading
We are celebrating the New Year with some new additions!!
We got some new additions yesterday! They are already having a blast first thing this morning!
Good morning from Pitchin Hills! May you day be bright and full of blessings!
#homesteading #homesteadjourney #hailhomestead #pitchinhillsfarm
We opened our first bottle of dandelion wine tonight 🤣