December 10th - 6pm - at the Dayton Valley Senior Center
The DVDP Board of Directors will hold their General Membership Meeting that will include the election agenda item for the Board Officer positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-At-Large.
If you are interested in volunteering your time and holding one of these positions on our Board, come to the meeting and throw your hat into the ring!
Duties for each position are as follows:
Secretary: The Secretary shall organize and collect all Committee business information, keep records, minutes of meetings and member rosters and member email addresses. The Secretary is responsible for notifying all members of important information and meeting notices via email or mail. The Secretary shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and keep track of all monies from events, donations, and sales, which shall be deposited into the DVDP fund. A report of DVDP funds will be given at every monthly meeting, The Treasurer shall present the annual report and a proposed budget at the annual meeting. All monetary requests must go through the Treasurer and be approved by the Executive Board. They are also responsible for maintaining the yearly taxes.
Member-At-Large: The Member at Large shall be a member in good standing of the general membership and shall vote on all motions.
All Directors: Individuals on the Board of Directors must be committed to developing, enacting, and implementing policy and taking responsibility for DVDP business. All Directors are required to attend a minimum of one meeting per quarter and volunteer their time for a minimum of one (1) fundraiser per year. A Director may be reelected to the same office in consecutive years without a waiting period. A Director absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings will be considered inactive.
We will also be taking volunteers to serve as our Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs for the to coming year for the following positions:
Rules & Regulations
Media/Public Relations
To be eligible to run for a position, you must be a Member. Eligibility and Application of "membership" is defined: "an individual shall participate in the activities of this committee either by attending meetings on a regular basis, joining a committee{s) or volunteering at an event. Membership will be of an advisory nature. Qualifications for membership are the desire, concern, compassion, and dedication to make this a better community for the citizens of Lyon County, Nevada, and their canine companions."
So if you have volunteered for an event, been to a meeting, or even pulled w**ds at the Dog Park, you could be considered eligible to run for a position and we sure could use your input!
We hope see see many of you at the meeting on Tuesday!