Adolescent Midget white Turkeys
Super friendly, sweetest birds ever just loving my adolescent Midget White Turkeys
Midget White Turkeys
My midget white turkeys are growing up! So curious and friendly! I'me so happy with how this project is coming along
Hookbill Ducklings
Mama Hookbill is doing a great job with her little hookbill Ducklings
Little surprise gift from a Hookbill hen on this beautiful morning
Taking a walk
I have been working at teaching my Nigerian dwarf kids how to walk on their leashes. This is our first time out of their yard. I worked with them a little bit every morning after they have their bottle.
Midget white Turkeys
My babies have moved into their new digs. It took a couple of days before they became relaxed enough to really explore.
Hookbill Ducklings
I am sorry I took the ducklings from their mother after seeing how well the other Ducklings are doing. But at least I'm beginning to integrate them back into the flock.
Hookbill Ducklings
This mother goose is the best godmother! She keeps a close eye on the Ducklings and worries herself over them
The Midget White turkey poults are growing up❤️❤️
Guinea Fowl Keets
I love their sweet song
Nigerian dwarf kids
My granddaughter and I have been brainstorming about names for the new kids. We decided to name them after the Beatles.
Hookbill ducklings
My Hookbill hen hatched out these ducklings two were lost early on, and I considered catching them and bringing them in, but I thought I'd give her a chance instead. She's doing great and has a goose partner that is acting as godmother.
Guinea Fowl Keets
I think I ended up with 28 or 29 Guinea Fowl Keets. So many colors! Keets hatch out hungry, and very skittish, these birds start out feral.
New diggs for the midget white turkey poults
Midget white turkey poults have their new home in the nursery barn. Lots of room to grow.
Guinea Fowl Keets
This year I have a rainbow of colors to select from! Guineas are just the best bug eaters ever. They have such such crazy, funny temperaments that they will keep you entertained. And at the same time, the best guard birds you ever heard they will set out an alarm when any stranger comes on or near your property and sometimes just when a leaf moves.