Charlie we miss you so much. Sending hugs to you in heaven
Hi Everyone 🥰 I love to be vacuumed. Mama zoomed in when she recorded this so I look bigger than I actually am. Sending Saturday Snout kisses to everyone. 🐽
Hi everyone! Could you help with a fundraiser project for Saving Snouts? That's who helped me find my forever home. I'm looking your favorite vegan recipes, please private message those to me. Thank you soooooooooooooooo much!!!
Today is my 3 year gotcha day! The past 3 years have been the best ever for me and my family!!! This is me eating my apple as my good Charlie treat after we came in from duties. Thank you so much to my family for rescuing me, we have a bond that was not expected but is loved soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Sending snout kisses to everyone 🐽
Charlie Playing
Hi Everyone! Here in Wisconsin we've had hot and humid weather. Recently it cooled off so I insisted on playing outside after I did my duties. Here I am playing with the weeds along the house, sometimes the big toad hides in these weeds. Sending Happy Saturday Snout Kisses everyone.
Today I played outside for a long time, I had so much fun, Tonight when I went to bed I fell asleep instantly and now I'm snoring!!! Sending snout kisses to everyone 🙂
Rapid Snout Movement
Hi Everyone! Sometimes I have rapid snout movement when I sleep, some of us do this and some of us don't. I was so tired that I didn't have to count the sheep on my sheets. Happy weekend everyone!!!
My New Ramp
This is me going up my ramp to get on the "big" bed at bedtime. Daddy built me this ramp and I'm doing so good going up and down my ramp. Mama says that I'm becoming quite a young gentleman. Happy Snout Sunday everyone!!!
My New Ramp
This is me going up my ramp and getting on the bed!!!! I do it all by myself, going up and going down my ramp :) Daddy did such a great job builiding my ramp. Mama says that I'm becoming an independent young gentleman!
Hi everyone! This is one of my favorite games to play. Mom and dad put pillows, blankets, etc on the living room floor. This is my playing with them. I'm really tired in this video, so this is my "too tired" videos. At bedtime mom and dad put a small pillow in my crib, along with my blankies, sheets, etc. Yesterday morning dad got up for work, I was so excited to hear his alarm go off that I caught up in the excitement and literally threw on my small pillows out of my crib!!! Sending sweet dreams snout kisses to everyone :)
It's Play Time!
Hi everyone!!! Today I was helping mama fold laundry. I had so much fun playing. After my play time mama fed me, I went to my litter dish and made boom boom and pee pee. After all that excitement mama put me in my baby crib in mom and dad's bedroom, she tucked me in and rubbed my belly until I fell sound asleep. Sending snout kisses to everyone for a good night's sleep.