Clip of our September Sale. Pete Commander and his lovely wife are a great asset to any Sale.
#profermancehorse #horsesoftiktok #horsebackriding #auctionhorse
Fun. Love This Auctioneer
15 hand Ranch HORSE! HANDY BROKE!
Rides Bridless! Gentle . Easy Kind! I Love HER. Selling Saturday September 14 Th at 1 pm Wise Co. Fairgrounds in Decatur Texas
#auctionhorse #horsebackriding #ranchhorse #horsesofinstagram #horses #profermancehorse #horsesoftiktok #horsesforsale #horselife Roping
@topfans Billings Livestock Horse Sale Bowie Texas Livestock: Consignment Horses Lone Star Kill Pen and Auction Horses Horse Shopping Channel WISE CO. HORSE SALE Whirlwind Performance Horses Wise County Fairgrounds - Decatur, Texas MPerformance Horses 6666 Ranch Cloud 9 Performance Horses Wise Co. Horse Sale Yellowstone Wise County Horse Sale
2 Days Away. Wise County Horse Sale
in Decatur Texas. Lots of Nice Horses. Join us at 1pm
Horses for sale in Texas
#profermancehorse #playdayponies #auctionhorse #kidhorse #horsebackriding #ranchhorse #KidPony #horsesofinstagram #horses #horseriding
@topfans Billings Livestock Horse Sale Bowie Texas Livestock: Consignment Horses Horse Shopping Channel Lone Star Kill Pen and Auction Horses WISE CO. HORSE SALE Whirlwind Performance Horses Wise County Fairgrounds - Decatur, Texas MPerformance Horses 6666 Ranch Cloud 9 Performance Horses Mercedes Blanche Yellowstone Western News
From Suits to Boots Boot Barn
Best of the Midwest Quarter Horse Sale Quarter Horse News
Next Sale day is September 14 th at the Wise Co. fairgrounds. 1 pm. Accepting Consignments!
#tionhorse #playdayponies #kidhorse #profermancehorse #auctionhorse #saddlebredsaturday #ranchhorse #KidPony #horsesofinstagram #AUC
@topfans Billings Livestock Horse Sale Bowie Texas Livestock: Consignment Horses Horse Shopping Channel Lone Star Kill Pen and Auction Horses Whirlwind Performance Horses WISE CO. HORSE SALE Wise County Fairgrounds - Decatur, Texas MPerformance Horses 6666 Ranch Cloud 9 Perform @ Kerry Wrightance Horses