Play this sound to see how your dog reacts! All the dogs here were very concerned about the puppy and wondered where it was coming from.
When they find that “one” toy they love! Sorry to anyone if your dog heard this too.
I just wanted to water the tomatoes. I forgot how much this guy loves water. 🤣
Every time we gave a toy to Banks, Oreo our new puppy would take it away from him. Sorry Banks. He just wants you to play with him I think.
Darla was snoring pretty loud earlier and I tried to catch it on video. The cat walked up to me as I was recording her and the bell from his collar woke her up at the end of this video. Her tongue is even sticking out a little bit. She was dreaming a little bit before I got the video.
Happy National Dog Day to my dogs and all the dogs I watch. If you dog isn’t in this video you know I love them all. I just couldn’t find them all in my phone.
Everywhere I walk, I have a little shadow named Arlo. He’s just the sweetest. He’s in the bathroom in the morning, next to the chair when I eat, and next to me anytime I go anywhere in the house. I don’t mind. He usually will stand behind me when I stop walking, because I think that is where he feels safe. I think he was abused before he was adopted. Now he’s very much loved and spoiled by his mom and us! #petsitter #spoileddog
Emily and Milo (the cat) keep playing together. Then when I thought they were done, Milo would run up to her and jump on her and play. Who says that cats and dogs can’t be friends? I think they can. 🥰
This is Ollie and he’s a regular dog that we watch. For some reason he is REALLY attached to my husband. It’s so sweet. Calleigh and I have tried to love on him and spoil him but he just prefers him over us. When he’s here we call him his dog. He left to go bowling tonight and Ollie really misses him. He will sit with us for a bit but then he will go back to the window and look for Nathan until he comes back.