All found and available animals can be found on our website
Amazon Wish List: ABOUT WCAS
The Walton County Animal Shelter is one of the core responsibilities of Walton County Animal Services, a division of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office. The Walton County Animal Shelter is a public facility dedicated to providing a safe, temporary shelter for lost, ho
meless, and abandoned animals of Walton County while the shelter staff searches for their rightful owners or finds them a permanent home through adoption or transfers to rescue partners. Animals may be brought to the shelter Tuesday through Saturday from 9 am - 4 pm when employees are present to receive admissions. This may exclude holidays. For assistance after hours, please call (850)-892-8111. DO NOT leave animals unattended at the shelter. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY
We encourage you to share your thoughts as they relate to the topic being discussed. You are fully responsible for the content of your comments. Be courteous, follow our rules of decorum, and posts should be related to the posting being discussed. Posts that contain obscene, indecent, or profane language; contain threats or defamatory statements; are bullying, intimidating, or harassing any user; contain personal attacks; contain hate speech; promote or endorse services or products; suggest or encourage illegal activity; are multiple, repetitive off-topic posts by a single user (spam); are not topically related to the particular posting, or violate a legal ownership interest of any other party will be removed and result in the person being banned from this page. Our purpose is to convey important public safety information, increase our ability to quickly, effectively, and efficiently reach Walton County and Northwest Florida residents to help us to share information regarding the animals at the Walton County Animal Shelter as well as tips from our animal control officers with Walton County Animal Control with the residents and visitors of Walton County. Comments that are obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, threatening in nature, advocate criminal behavior, discriminate, include clearly inaccurate information, or are unrelated to the intended topic of discussion or provide links to other third party sites, would be removed. Walton County Animal Services has the right, with or without notice, to block access to its social media pages to any user who consistently violates the policy guidelines. Under Florida's very broad public records laws, any written communication created or received by Walton County Animal Services will be made available to the public or media upon request. (unless otherwise exempt)
Please keep in mind that if you don't want your comments or identifying information released in response to a request, don't post. The purpose of this site is to share information on specific WCAS topics of interest. We reserve the right to edit or remove personal attacks, hateful comments, obscenities, or comments that aren't related to the topic. Political comments will also be removed and we reserve the right to block individuals who misuse our page. Thanks for your participation and understanding.