Take a guess how many dogs & cats were euthanized at Chicago Animal Control due to lack of space in just in the month of July 2024?
Over 250! That is just one month in just one city. Over 1 million dogs and over 1 million cats are euthanized each year in shelters because they have no where to go. This year those number will be high as adoptions are very low and overpopulation of pets is a serious issue.
What you can do to help??
-Spay & Neuter you pets. Unless you have top quality, 100% healthy, 100% good personality dogs and are trying to improve a purebred breed responsibly, there is no reason you dog needs to be breeding. Purebred dogs are in the shelters and being euthanized.
-Foster dogs through a rescue to help give them somewhere to live until they find a permanent home. Dogs do much better in a home environment learning to be a good dog rather than in a stressful shelter where they are barely handled and pick up many bad habits out of boredom.
-Adopt from your local shelter to give animals homes.
-Donate to local shelters so they have the funds to care for the animals. Unfortunately a shelter in southern Illinois is closing due to lack of funding and has to place 60 animals before they close or they are at risk of euthanasia.
-Do not adopt a pet if you can not commit to a forever home, if you have to move, that animals goes with you, if it has behavioral needs, find a trainer, if it needs medical care, have a medical fund ready. Do not leave them at a shelter when you decide not to care for them anymore. Yes there are exceptions to this but too many are surrendered for no good reason.
If you need local resources to find affordable spay/neuter clinics, information on fostering, or a good rescue to work with, I am happy to help point you in the right direction. I have a lot of connections in the rescue industry.
“Saving one life may not change the world, but surely, for that one life, the world will change forever.”