As a dog trainer , I don't teach dogs "shake" or "paw" for a very important reason. It can easily become a demanding behavior, so they'll paw at you whenever they want attention. It's also one paw away from actually jumping on you. So, by teaching "paw" or "shake," we're actually teaching them to jump on us for attention.
The most important part of training or rehabilitating a dog with behavioral issues is consistency. In this video, we discuss what can happen if we drop that once we start.
When it comes to behavioral cases, I always say that the little things ARE the big things. Threshold manners, loose leash walking skills, rules and boundaries in the home are of the utmost importance when working with these dogs. It builds trust, reliability, and the bond between dog and owner.
Realistically, it's all about the relationship. Oftentimes, with behavioral cases, a big problem is the relationship the dog has with the handler. That structure helps to build a relationship where the dog doesn't feel THE NEED to handle everything my themselves, and that they can trust the human.
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Dogs and kids have an interesting dynamic. Since children are around the same height as many dogs, and because they move so differently than adults, they're kind of like puppies. And dogs are just like giant teddy bears to kids. So it's not really fair for us to simply expect them to know how to behave around each other. We want to "take them by the hand" and show them.
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You'll notice that we have Koda on a long leash, and we demonstrate exactly why that is. If we call the dog, and the dog doesn't come to us, then he's learned that not coming is an option. Which means that, if he doesn't feel like it, he doesn't have to do it. Having the long leash on allows us to reinforce what we're saying. "If we call you and you don't come, we'll just go get you and you'll end up in the same place anyway, so you might as well come the first time." If we're consistent with that, he learns that coming when called is not an option. This is very important because the recall can save lives. 🐶❤️
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A big issue that many people face when playing fetch with their dog is that the dog will turn it into a game of chase.
This can happen for a number of different reasons, but most often it's simply because the act of bringing the ball back and the person throwing it is not rewarding enough for the dog, and chase is a far more fun game. For some dogs, the act of chasing the ball is the rewarding part, so they don't want you to take the ball that they worked so hard to get, they just want to continue running. So if we increase the reward, the dog will have more of an incentive to keep bringing it back.
#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogfetch #dogenrichment #dogenrichmentactivities #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #puppyfetch
When first introducing #looseleashwalking, we want to spend time teaching them where we want them to walk. So we start with short distances, and build our way up.
Dogs aren't robots that we can stick a chip in and download the information. We need to practice. And we want to start in a place with low or no distractions. 🐶❤️
*This is part of a longer video with tips to avoid #leashpulling. To see the full video, click the link in the comments.
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#DogReactivity is challenging for anyone. But what the dog is telling us in that moment is that they feel unsure, and they don't trust the human to handle the situation, so they feel the need to handle it themselves. What we want to build is an understanding that the dog doesn't have to worry about anything. The way we do that is by proving that there's nothing to worry about. So having a set routine that the dog performs each time they see the stimulus will ease their insecurity, because they know what's expected of them, and then we can use that routine to expose them to the different stimuli in a positive way. With this, they slowly learn, with each experience, that they DON'T have to worry. And if we're using treats to help condition them, then they'll make the association that seeing the stimuli without reacting gets them good stuff, so eventually they'll be EXCITED to see them. This will build their trust in us, as well as their desire to follow our guidance. 🐶❤️
**This is part of a longer video. To see the full thing, click the link in the comments, or check out our YouTube channel.
#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #dogreactivitytraining #reactivedogtraining #reactivedogtips #reactivedogtrainingtips
In this dog training video, Zira, the Miniature Pinscher, is demonstrating the beginning process of teaching the recall (come when called). One of the most important things when teaching the recall is to get them to WANT TO come to you. That means we're keeping our energy level up, acting really excited, and after we give the reward we're letting her go play again until we call her again.
A big issue for many homes is that they only ever call the dog when they're trying to get them to come inside, or go into the car, or something else that ultimately means the dog's fun is over. So, if the dog doesn't want the fun to end, then they simply won't come to you. If 9 times out of 10, though, we're calling them, giving them a reward, and then letting them go, then they won't make the association that the recall means the fun is over. They'll actually WANT TO come to you!
*For more #dogtrainingtipsandadvice on the recall (and other training related videos), click the link in the comments.
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The Truth About Muzzles
Did you know there are many reasons a dog may wear a muzzle besides aggression?
Sometimes when we post dogs with muzzles on we get some kick back. Confusion, uncertainty, fear, anxiety are all common and normal responses to seeing a dog wearing a muzzle.
Of course there is aggression and bite risk situations, but did you know some dogs wear a muzzle due to fear and simply needing space from people and other dogs. Some dogs wear a muzzle when diagnosed with Mega-esophagus or PICA where training cannot protect them from life and death situations simply from eating things.
Some dogs may be required to wear a muzzle simply because of the way they look in certain cities/states/countries due to BSL.
Some emergencies shelters and public transits will only accept dogs who are crated or muzzled.
Some dogs are muzzle trained to build a positive association with muzzles so if an emergency (such as an injury) where a dog may be muzzled, the muzzle won't cause extra stress in an already stressful situation. This also may help give comfort to dogs as the muzzle will have a positive, high value association to the dog.
And they have many more uses as well!
If you have any questions about muzzles, please feel free to leave them here so we can spread education!
If you have a story or picture of your muzzled pup, share that too! ❤️
#muzzletraining #muzzleconditioning #dogmuzzle #dogtraining #puppytraining #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #puppytrainingtips #puppytrainingadvice #dogmuzzletraining #muzzleddogsaregooddogs
Respecting boundaries is extremely important, especially for a dog like Sarge, who is much bigger and stronger than his owners, and can (and has) accidentally hurt them because he's just a puppy in a giant athlete's body haha.
And I always say: Everything in #dogbehavior is connected. If he is able to respect the boundaries of the crate, it'll be easier to teach him to respect other boundaries (like personal space), because now we're building his impulse control.
#cratetraining #dogcratetraining #dogcrate #DogTraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #dogtraining101 #puppytraining #puppycrate #puppycratetraining #puppytrainingtips #puppytrainingadvice #puppytraining101 #dogthresholds #dogboundaries #dogboundarytraining
When handling multiple dogs at once, it's important that we are teaching them to respect each other's space. As we consistently advocate for each dog, they will learn to be calm and respectful around each other.
This clip was filmed at a seminar I did in China to illustrate advocating for space in a multi dog household.
Do you live in a multi dog household? Does this look familiar to you?
**This is part of a longer video. Click the link in the comments to view the full thing. 🐶❤️
#multidoghousehold #multidogtraining #multipledogs #multipledoghousehold #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #puppytrainingadvice