Some Minor Dog Training

Some Minor Dog Training Allen and Shalene Minor are dog trainers in Florida that do in-home training and board-and-trains.

This really applies to anything the dog enjoys, so that means treats, toys, play, or affection. If the dog realizes that...

This really applies to anything the dog enjoys, so that means treats, toys, play, or affection. If the dog realizes that a certain behavior will get them what they want, they'll do more of that thing.

So if the dog jumps on people, for example, and they give the dog attention just so the dog will stop jumping, they have accomplished the opposite of what they want; they've just taught the dog that, if they want attention, all they have to do is jump on the person. But if you ask the dog to do something different, like "Sit," before they get attention, then the dog will start to sit more and jump less, because jumping doesn't get them what they want. So be mindful of what you're rewarding the dog for.


Puppies often get blamed for being too rambunctious around children. But dogs learn through association, so it's just as important to teach our children how to behave around dogs as it is to train the dog.

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over how to teach your dog to walk on a treadmill. In places with extreme ...

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over how to teach your dog to walk on a treadmill.

In places with extreme temperatures, like Florida or New York, dog treadmill training can be very beneficial when you can't take them for walks.

"Place" is one of the most important and useful things we can teach our dogs. It is a great way to teach impulse control...

"Place" is one of the most important and useful things we can teach our dogs. It is a great way to teach impulse control, as well as to offer structured socialization. It's also just incredibly useful anytime you need the dog to stay out of the way, like when you're cleaning the house, or to teach the dog to be calm, like when guests come over.

*To learn how to teach "Place," I'll leave a link in the comments*

We are located in DeLand, Florida, but travel widely to help dogs and their families. What makes us different is that we...

We are located in DeLand, Florida, but travel widely to help dogs and their families. What makes us different is that we're a family-owned business, so helping families (whether that's a human and a dog, or multiple humans and multiple dogs) is our top priority!

Send us a message, email, or give us a call so we can set up your FREE consultation (depending on your area) and set you on the path to get a new "leash" on life! ❤️💕

ATTENTION: Due to the heat, and health risks posed, we won't be working with REACTIVE Brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs d...

ATTENTION: Due to the heat, and health risks posed, we won't be working with REACTIVE Brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs during the summer months on their reactivity.

For those needing help with their reactive brachy dogs, we will lay the foundations inside the house, but their physical limitations (difficulty breathing and pre-dispositions to heat exhaustion/stroke) don't allow us to do the outdoor work that is necessary to help with reactivity in a safe manner.

This will allow owners to practice the foundational training and mechanics, as well as rebuild their relationship, as is necessary when working through these behaviors, prior to working through triggers (such as other dogs, people on bikes, animals, cars, etc).

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over how to teach your dog to go to Place from anywhere.

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over how to teach your dog to go to Place from anywhere.


This is the work. Countless repetitions, doing the same thing over and over again until it's muscle memory in both the dog and the human. Then we take that, stack it into other behaviors we've already taught the dog, and build up their reliability with distance and distractions.


The most important part of training in a multi-dog household is to work with each dog individually just as much as you're working the dogs together.


Thank you, Terri Riotto, for helping us choose the name for our foster puppy! It was hard, because you all had some great names! But, ultimately, we chose Tucker because it has some symbolism: When we got him, he was a nervous puppy, so his tail was always tucked between his legs. The name Tucker will remind us of how far he's come, and how much further we expect to see him rise! ❤️💕


When I was still working in the classroom, one of the most common things I heard from the kids was, "I'm bored."

The thing about boredom is that it's a part of life for both people and dogs. There's not always going to be something or someone there to entertain us. And we need to teach our puppies (and children) how to be okay with that. It's such an important skill to be able to just relax when nothing is going on. But that's something that must be taught, otherwise they're going to always be searching for something to do to keep them busy or entertained, and if nothing is provided then they'll find it themselves (and, for some dogs, it's often something they shouldn't be doing, or that they're doing at the wrong time).

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over some tips to help a dog relax at the Vet Office.

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over some tips to help a dog relax at the Vet Office.


If the only interactions two dogs ever have with each other are those of excitement and play, then they won't learn any other way to interact with one another.

That means that (A) They're not learning to control their intensity. When interacting, many dogs tend to match the energy of the other dog, which means that, if nothing interrupts that exchange, they will keep amping each other up. It's important to note that dogs are not human, so, left to their own devices, they will handle situations the way that dogs handle situations: With their bodies. So if anything happens (one dog gets scared, or hurt, and the other dog won't stop playing), that's a potential dog fight.

It also means that (B) Once the excitement level reaches high enough, the dogs are more interesting and valuable to each other than the human is. Anytime that we have dogs playing, we want to be able to call them off each other, or have them lower their energy levels. If the other dog is more appealing than the human, then that can't happen.

Boo and Bodhi are brothers, and they play like brothers! But, as great as that is, we still need them to learn to be calm around each other. We don't want them to ONLY have an association of excitement with each other.

This little guy is a 9 month old poodle mix, who was recently surrendered to us. He is an under-socialized, insecure boy...

This little guy is a 9 month old poodle mix, who was recently surrendered to us. He is an under-socialized, insecure boy who is such a love bug when he opens up. He will be staying with us for at least the next month for evaluation and training before we find him his new home!

We figured, with a new life should come a new name, and we're asking for your help. What do you think is a good name for this little shy guy?

**You can follow his journey with us on our Pupdates page:

Pupdates From Some Minor Dog Training

Thanks! We'll be choosing his new name on Monday (5/27)! ❤️💕

Dogs are quick to pick up habits. The leash gives us the opportunity to offer immediate feedback on which things are app...

Dogs are quick to pick up habits. The leash gives us the opportunity to offer immediate feedback on which things are appropriate or inappropriate, so we can develop the habits that we want and avoid the ones that we don't want. Then, later on, we won't need the leash, because the dog already knows what's expected.

You'd be surprised how many household issues can be solved simply by having a leash on in the house and supervising/managing what they're doing while they build new habits. I'll put a video in the comments that goes over how we can make and use a safe house leash. ❤️💕

When it comes to behavioral issues in the house, one of the things that I often tell my clients is to pop a leash on in the house and let them drag it around. In this way, you're able to offer quick and clear communication to the dog in any situation. That's one way that we'll be able to shape their indoor behaviors. ❤️💕


What is "structure" when talking about dog training?

It's the rules and boundaries that you set up in your dog's life that let you and them know exactly what's expected in any given situation. It can be as loose or strict as you want, but keep in mind that behavioral issues have a hard time setting in if the dog's daily routine is predictable, which is what structure provides.

For example: Having them wait at the doorway with you before going outside, or having them go to Place when guests come over. Only letting them play rough in certain areas of the house, or having them sit before you feed them.

All of these are examples of household structure. And, again, structure provides predictability, which teaches the dog what to do in any given situation. This prevents them from having to figure it out themselves, which can easily lead into bad habits. So, for puppies, and dogs with behavioral issues, we want to ensure that their life is as structured as possible.

Later on, after those things become habits, then we can ease off on the strictness of it and start bending rules and boundaries, because they will no longer need to be told how to behave, and we can trust that they'll make good decisions. But, even at that point, if you notice the dog developing undesirable behaviors, going back to that structure while you train them will be very beneficial.

I think a lot of people realize this in regard to individual situations, but oftentimes it's overlooked when it comes to...

I think a lot of people realize this in regard to individual situations, but oftentimes it's overlooked when it comes to life as a whole.

We recognize that, if we're excited, the dog will be more likely to get excited. But what is more important is the overall lifestyle implications.

Oftentimes, when it comes to changing a dog's behavior, it requires us changing our own habits and behaviors. We're the ones providing the lifestyle to the dog, so if there are behavioral problems with them, it's often (not always) due to something we're doing (or not doing). That's not to say that it's the owner's fault that the dog behaves this way, but rather that there's something we're doing that is allowing this behavior to continue or even escalate. It's often small things we don't even notice. So, in order to make lasting changes in our dogs, we have to make lasting changes in ourselves and our lifestyles. This is true for everything from puppies biting and mouthing, to dogs reacting to things on the walk. And the more that a dog continues to practice a behavior (good or bad), the more it becomes a habit. So it becomes our job, as the owner, to figure out what we're doing and change it. Combine that with training, and then we'll see real change happen. ❤️💕

As we move into summer, don't forget to use your hand (or foot) to check the roads and sidewalks on these hot days befor...

As we move into summer, don't forget to use your hand (or foot) to check the roads and sidewalks on these hot days before asking your dog to walk on it for extended periods. Those pads are tough, but a hot road can be like walking on a frying pan. Consider booties or protective ointments. But if those aren't an option, loose leash walking in the grass is hard for a lot of dogs, so that's a good challenge to work on with your pup. ❤️💕

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over how to help a nervous dog stop submissive rolling and gain trust and ...

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over how to help a nervous dog stop submissive rolling and gain trust and confidence.

Our special guest is Caprica, the Pit/Chow mix.

If you live in Central Florida, and don't have the time or ability to train your dog for any reason, we can help! Your d...

If you live in Central Florida, and don't have the time or ability to train your dog for any reason, we can help!

Your dog will come live with us for 2-4 weeks (depending on the age of the dog and the package you choose), and we'll teach them a list of certain behaviors that all dogs should know, as well as anything you specifically want us to work on.

And don't worry about the financial aspect, because we offer discounts, as well as payment plans. Send us a message, an email, or give us a call to book your spot today!

We also have a separate page dedicated to the daily updates of our board-and-train clients, if you'd like to check it out:

[email protected]


If someone is trying to change their behavior, pointing out all the wrong things they've done will only discourage them and make them less motivated. It's like throwing rocks at someone who's trying to climb a mountain.

It's the same for dogs. Yes, trying to change an unwanted behavior in a dog can be very frustrating for the owner, but remember that it is equally, if not more, frustrating for the dog. So try not to focus so much on what they're doing wrong, and try to redirect your focus to what they're doing RIGHT. Behavioral training takes time. There's no way around that. So celebrate the little victories, otherwise you're only serving to discourage yourself AND the dog.

That's not to say that we shouldn't recognize the hard times, because those show us where we, and the dog, can improve. But actively try to look for the little things they've succeeded at. They walked past a dog without barking. They walked down the street without pulling. They didn't jump on someone when they came through the door. Even though it's just one instance of them doing it, that's still one step closer to modifying their behavior, and that's something to celebrate. ❤️💕


Focus on progress, not perfection in dog training. Both the dog and the human will improve with practice.

Gambit (blue) and Talia (purple) joined us at   in   and made some great friends! If you were there and got some photos ...

Gambit (blue) and Talia (purple) joined us at in and made some great friends! If you were there and got some photos of them, please tag us! ❤️💕


We want to build a foundation of calmness when outside. I call it "existence socialization," which is just the idea of being around stimuli without feeling the need to interact with it.

This is also the reason I don't allow strangers to pet my puppies out in public until a certain point in their training, and when I finally do, it's when I give both the human and that dog permission. I don't feel that level of socialization (interacting with everyone and every dog) is natural, and it can lead to issues later on. Not simply obedience issues, but also social issues.


Even during play, we're still learning. ❤️💕


Obedience training means nothing if we don't apply it.

A common issue we see is that the dog is GREAT with their obedience, but their behavior is not quite there. Oftentimes, it's because the dog doesn't know what they're supposed to do in a given situation, so they do whatever feels right to them at the time. Another part of that is the owner doesn't know how to respond in those situations, either. Or, maybe they do, but they don't think about it until after the fact. So practice applying the obedience behaviors in fake situations so that, when real life happens, both you and the dog know what to do.

For example: Practice having someone knock on the door, and then you put the dog on Place and go answer it. Do that a million times, and when a real person comes to the door, you're already in the habit of sending the dog to Place, and the dog already knows what they're supposed to do in that situation.

A dog can have all the obedience training in the world, but it means nothing if we don't apply it to real life situations. And the only way we can do that is by practicing in fake situations.

In the article, we delve into anthropomorphism. What is it, and how it affects dog training and behavior.

In the article, we delve into anthropomorphism. What is it, and how it affects dog training and behavior.

What is anthropomorphism in dogs, and how does it effect dog training and behavior?

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over a common problem many dogs and puppies have, which is staying in the ...

In this video (❤️ LINK IN COMMENTS ❤️), we go over a common problem many dogs and puppies have, which is staying in the down position (or any other stationary position). We have a returning guest star, Zeus, to help teach us how to build duration. ❤️💕


Deland, FL


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