Training Horses with the French Classical Philosophy of Lightness so they can become straight, balanced and forward partners...and Coaching Awesome Horse Women to become the best riders they can be! Riding is a creative fun outlet, and at Artful Riding Academy we like to inspire our alumni to dream big, discover their true potential and follow the path to riding in lightness and harmony with their
equine partner - whether it be in the competition ring or just for pleasure. Grab a copy of my free gift, Jaw Flexion and Neck Extension - The Horse Owner's Guide to a Balanced Harmonious Ride!, by copying and pasting the following link into your browser:
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Riders go to the barn to unwind and relax from a busy work week and it's important that they feel competent and able to work with their horse in many different ways in order to confidently reach their goals. We strive to help our clients create easy going, well trained, safe horses that live agile, sound lives and are able to grow up the levels of Lightness/Dressage together with their riders. We welcome horses and riders from all disciplines and support the merging of disciplines to bring about a healthy conversation on important topics and support each other in being and becoming the best horse trainers and riders we can be. ArtfulRiding offers Lessons, Clinics, Speaking Events, Horse Training and Intensives around the country and overseas. For more info just email our team at [email protected]
Ride in Lightness,
Celie Weston
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