Next up on Tech Week shout out is Jana! Jana has been with the DNVC family for almost two years! Jana has a great sense of humor and can make anyone laugh. She is always singing and making up songs and is a true joy to be around! Thank you Jana for all you do! 🐾💜
Here is Jana’s Q&A answers with a little pazazz 😂:
1. How many years have you been in the industry or related field?
- My body thinks early 1900’s but approximately 20 years
2. What is your favorite part about veterinary medicine?
- I have 2.
- Seeing a patient rally through an illness.
- Learning something new everyday even after 20 years.
3. Fun fact about yourself?
- Hockey enthusiast and CBJ fan
- I also enjoy a good true crime series
- “Bad boys bad boys”…. and I sing to irritate the ole coworkers. 😉
4. How many pets do you have and their names?
- 4 pets: Cooper 10 yrs almost 11 with a face only his mama could love. (Pictured)
Mr Tibbs aka “Stewart”