Happy belated national Spoil your dog day, to all of my clients and my friends who are dog owners! 🥳🥰🐾🐾 🦴🐕
Celebrating Happy International Cat Day, to all of my new & regular clients who’s wonderful indoor cats and friendly outdoor barn cats & young kittens, I love getting to care for while you are away on your vacation family trips! As all of your wonderful furry kids kittens & cats are very important part of your pet’s family household!
I hope you can enjoy celebrating today and this week/weekend with your kitties, getting them some of their favorite cat treats, toys & extra kitty snuggles too!😜🥳🥰🐾🐾😸🐈🐈⬛🪶
What are you cat owners doing to celebrate international happy cat day with your young kitten(s) & cat(s)?
Hello everybody, did you all know that, as it gets closer to our upcoming
4th of July 2024 holiday long weekend of fireworks activities, that you can plan ahead accordingly for your pet’s safety and well-being with making sure: your pets are up to date work being microchiped, wear a anti-slip collar or escape-proof dog harness when you take your dogs out to keep your pets from getting away and getting lost, if they get stressed and don’t like the loud noises of nearby 4th of July fireworks! These pet care 4th of July holiday safety tips, will help ensure to keep your pet safe at home, to prevent your pets from getting lost, while you and your family & furry kids enjoy this upcoming 4th of July holiday long weekend!