Wednesday crew! Cold but sunny just how they like it! Scout even waded in the brook 🥶
This week on the Hill. For me personally I struggled with severe anxiety as a result of the Lewiston shootings. I did so much reflecting and recognized gratefulness every day; I am surrounded by this beautiful place I call home every day with my daughter. I am trusted to care for your pets who bring me so much joy when the world seems so cruel. If we could all live and love half as much as our pups do….Sending love and light to everyone impacted by the events that have changed Maine forever. #straya #red #scout #baxter #saco #frankie #luna #cara #brynne #cassie
A very busy and fun week this week!
Is it me or is Silk and Red fighting for Billy’s attention? 😂
The Monday crew is the perfect combination of cute and playful 🤩😍 #riley #straya #pheonix #ketel #billy #bella
Hurricane winds and doggie races 😎
When the big dogs play a little too rough… #zoomies #rainraingoaway
Lulu is not a fan of the rain 😂
“My dog has anxiety”
Unfortunately the most common concern when dropping off a dog is the anxiety the dog will have being away from their owner and being in a new place.
Although it cannot be promised for ALL dogs that are in my care I can safely say our set up has alleviated the concern for anxiety for many of our guests.
1. The best hostess! No not me; MAPLE! Having a dog to help the guest dogs feel apart of a safe and fun pack is key. Big, small, nervous, over energetic, no matter breed or size our Maple LOVES her job as hostess.
2. This is not a kennel. We have 4x4’ kennels for various reasons but the dogs are not confined to small spaces for long periods of time. Some prefer a small space w little stimulation and we have that too! But some prefer a big comfy couch or the ability to see the door etc. we have options!
3. Lots of exercise. Our outdoor space provides a safe and fun place to release energy. Rocks to jump on, water to splash in, dirt grass and of course a friendly face to give plenty of belly scratches when needed.
There was concern about Buddys’s anxiety at drop off yesterday… what do you guys think?
Connected since the moment we met ❤️
Greater Swiss Mountain Sweetness since day one ❤️😍 #maplejean