In case you missed this video in our stories last week, here’s Bill mowing the lawn with the girls.
I’m just saying, the grim reaper never had to deal with this many weeds 😆. Bill’s making room for our honey berry plants by using an antique brush scythe to clear tall grass and weeds. As you can imagine, it takes time, practice, and some thought to get the movements just right.
Saturday was shearing day! Since there’s always a lot of misconceptions when it comes to shearing, we’re here to remind folks that shearing your sheep is an essential part of ethically stewarding your animals. A good shepherd seeks out a competent shearer who will safely and properly shear off a sheep’s wool, while striving to cause as little anxiety/stress to the sheep as possible. Grateful to Get Bentz Farm for hosting and to the shearer for taking good care of our flock 🥰. #sheep #shepherd #shearing #sheepshearing #farmlife #smallfarm #homesteader #homesteadersofminnesota #homesteading #womenfarmers #womenshepherds #burningdaylightdraftfarm
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Nope, it’s our cat, Tiny...No Lindseys or Tinys were harmed during this rescue
#orangecat #cats #farmcat #stuckinatree #catinatree #cattreerescue #fraidycat #petsarefamily #farmlife #smallfarm #homesteader #homesteadersofminnesota #homesteading #womenfarmers
Star bringing the ladies up to the barn with a quick stop to visit Maddy who is behind the camera.
#bordercollie #workingdog #workingbordercollie #sheepherding #herdingskills #shepherd #star #farmlife #smallfarm #homesteader #homesteadersofminnesota #homesteading #womenfarmers #womenwhoworkwithdogs #womenshepherds
All hail the Queen 👸
All hail the Queen 👸!
This week I want to show you what training with Clover, our Kelpie puppy, looks like. Clover is quite young and this was only her fourth training, so she’s very new in learning how this whole herding dog thing works. I’d give her an A+ for effort (and honestly for me too 😆)!
A few months ago, my in-laws got to watch me take herding lessons with each of the dogs! Bill’s parents lived in the UK for a bit, long before Bill was even a twinkle in anyone’s eye, so it was a neat experience for us all. Here are a few clips of Star working on her skills.