#k9streetleague #biteydog #dogsports #protectiondogtraining #dogphotography #apbtmix #bullbreeds Beast Fit LLC Jen Mills
Great end to a busy weekend!
3 days of FastCat with Adventures of Minca and Immy the Malinois, then ended everything today shooting bitey stuff!!! I’m dead tired but had a blast!! Jen Mills #dog #k9streetleague #dogphotography #biteydog #texas #dogsports #bullybreed #bullbreed Beast Fit LLC
Sekai the Malinois from Haus der Mals #k9streetleague #personalprotectiondog #protectiondogtraining #dog #ppd #dogphotographer #dogphotography #sportingdog #biteydog #malinois #texas #texasphotographer #wildchild
A Malinois, a Malinois puppy, and a Bullherder puppy walk into a #k9streetleague club… #personalprotectiondog #protectiondogtraining #dog #ppd #dogphotographer #dogphotography #sportingdog #biteydog #malinois #texas #texasphotographer #bullherder #dogtraining #dogsport Adventures of Minca and Immy the Malinois Beast Fit LLC Los Malinois Braden Wilson
Puppy bites with Akari from Haus der Mals and decoy #malinois #protectiondogtraining #protectiondog #biteydog #dog #dogs #dogphotographer #dogphotography #puppy #malinoispuppy #dogtraining
Immy the Malinois
What are your plans for the weekend? I’m hanging out with Adventures of Minca and Immy the Malinois! #biteydog #decoy #workingdog #dogphotography #texas #dogphotographer #malinois #dog
Police k9
Police k9 Duma with Decoy Sarah Carver #biteydog #dogphotography #corinthtx #texas #dogoftheday #dutchshepherd #dutchie #policek9 #decoy #dogphotographer
Nothing compares to the love between a decoy and a bitey dog… #dogphotography #malinois #biteydog #dogcommunity #PSA #dogs #protectionsportsassociation #workingdog #bitesports #decoy #protectiondogs
Some more shots of Immy from Adventures of Minca and Immy the Malinois and Decoy Tyler (can’t tag but feel free to tag yourself). #malinoislovers #dog #dogphotography #malinois #malinois #decoy #protectionsportsassociation #bitesports #dogphotographer
Public Access: Service animals are doing a job. Public access in non pet friendly spaces is needed. Please do not bring your pets into non pet friendly spaces. That sign on this door is there because someone brought a reactive dog into the mall and it came after my service dog. This could have ruined everything for us. In Texas, ESA do NOT have public access either, they have housing rights. That’s it. ESA are not service animals. #servicedog #dogtraining #medicalalertdog #mobilityservicedog #multipurposeservicedog #greatdane #texaslaw #esa #publicaccess