As you may remember, Jake was adopted out by the rescue in 2020...and boy did this kiddo love his momma. Sadly, Jake's mom was admitted to assisted living earlier this earlier and passed away not long after. So...back to rescue he came.
In the short time Jake was out living the life - he developed CHF and issues with his trachea. You know it seems when one thing "breaks"...it causes a chain reaction. Yeah...here we are.
A couple of weeks ago Jake developed quite a cough. The first couple of days we figured it was the high pollen levels mixed with rainy weather, but it became evident it was not.
Today Jake went in for a look-see. Doc tweaked his meds and came up with a care plan. He's now on three medications. We hope you'll pray with us that this issue resolves itself and we'll be able to maintain it a little better.
We've decided to keep Jake in a sanctuary home so you'll be seeing lots more of him. Please consider donating to his monthly expenses. You can set up monthly donations on our website at www.hillhounds.org
Please consider a donation now:
Checks may be mailed to:
Hill Hounds
P.O. Box 202
Denton, MD 21629