Circled in red....notice the name. Does that look like ANY of our names?? And the post isn't even in proper English grammar and speaks in the first person tense as though they are my daughter Mariah. People use your common sense! Let me explain what these pages are doing.
ALL of them trick you into joining their page/group. Then they start posting as though they are one of us. Then they began messaging some of you privately and telling you that you can "text" with one of us through an app called "Telegram." Next thing you know, they or the pretend Tia, Earl, or whoever they pick start asking you for money for various reasons.
I cannot tell you how many of our followers, supporters, and fans have been duped by one of these scammer groups. The worst was a woman who had given who she thought she was texting as "Tia Torres." The scammer got $7K out of her.
So, I will start posting these scammer groups again. They died down briefly, but here they are, rearing their ugly selves. It is because of them that we got shadow-banned and cannot reach all of our followers anymore :(