🌶 Our peppers are poppin’ and we can’t wait to share them with you this Friday at the Huerta Urbana Farmers Market! Come by and stock up on fresh, local produce. See you there!
Huerta Urbana Farmers Market
📅 Friday, October 11th
⏰ 2:00pm - 5:00pm
📍 Focus Points Family Resource Center (@focuspointsnonprofit)
2501 E 48th Ave, Denver, CO 80216
#nonprofit #socialenterprise #huertaurbanadenver #coloradofarmersmarket #urbanfarm #denverfarm #freshproduce
Don’t mind us…we’ll be sleeping in the garden beds until summer 😂 Thankfully it’s sunnier today! ☀️👀
How do we feel about spring snowstorms?!
#UrbanFarm #DenverColorado #NonProfit #PunxsutawneyPhil
That’s a wrap on 2023! What an amazing year with even more incredible Huerta Urbana program participants. Take a look at all we accomplished 👏 and thanks for your ongoing support!
If you’re interesting in joining our team and becoming a participants, reach out to Seynabou, our Senior Manager of Social Enterprise, at [email protected] 🥦🍅🫑🥕
#Nonprofit #DenverNonprofits #DenverColorado #Denver #UrbanFarm #UrbanFarming
A day in the life of our little bees. They’re working hard!
#beehive #bees #savethebees #urbanfarm #denvercolorado #denvernonprofit
A round of applause for our first graduates! Their dedication, hard work and achievements deserve all the recognition they can get. Let's celebrate their success together 👏🎓️
El programa Huerta Urbana 2Gen Incubadora de granjas ahora se está abriendo para inscribir nuevos participantes. Nuestro programa es para...
Personas que están interesadas en cultivar productos frescos y saludables en su comunidad. Emprendedores que quieran iniciar sus propios negocios en la industria de la agricultura urbana. Trabajadores que quieren aprender habilidades para tener una carrera en agricultura urbana.
La capacitación en Huerta proporcionará habilidades de desarrollo profesional, capacitación pagada que enseña los entresijos de trabajar en una granja comercial mientras obtiene ingresos, recursos para diseñar y lanzar su propio negocio con éxito.
¡Envíenos un correo electrónico o llámenos!
Shhhhhh the farm is sleeping. We are so sad to not be out there as much, but it is time for our farm to get it's well earned rest. While on the surface there's crazy winds today, we know below the surface mother nature is taking its course.
Shhhhhh la granja está durmiendo. Estamos muy tristes de no estar tanto tiempo afuera como lo hacíamos antes, pero es hora de que nuestra granja obtenga su merecido descanso. Mientras que hoy en la superficie hay vientos locos, sabemos que debajo de la superficie la madre naturaleza está siguiendo su curso.
Huerta Urbana 2Gen Farm Incubator program is now opening up to enroll new participants. Our program is for...
People who are interested in growing fresh, healthy produce in their community. Entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses in the urban agriculture industry. Workers who want to learn skills to have a career in urban agriculture.
Training at Huerta will provide professional development skills, paid training that teaches the ins & outs of working on a commercial farm while earning income, resources to design and launch your own business successfully.
Email or give us a call!
We can't stop time, but we sure can take a few snippets and replay them on these recovery months. This year has brought so much harvest, opportunities, successes, fails, lessons, and growth. We are beyond grateful for it all, and ready to go even bigger next season. Our farm, participants, program, educators, community, sponsors, supporters, partners, and volunteers have all been very important pieces to our success. Thank you!
Yesteday we had an awesome visit from John, @freerangebeehives. He walked us through the process of preparing the hive for the upcoming cold months and winter. Found out we now have up to 50,000 honeybees, looking like we might be able to split into two hives in 2023. The queen is also very active and is laying as many eggs as possible, so much so she has moved to the uper panels (the ones we took out in the video). If all looks good and there is edible honey from what John took, we might be getting some honey to share by the end of the year! Super exciting, since we were expecting them to only create enough for themselves this first year. We are just beyond excited and proud of our honey bees and our farm for being a great enviorment for them.