Here's a little tidbit of the early sensory training I do for them. Today's scent I introduced was a marigold from my garden πΌ Not pictured was me weighing the puppy and laying it on a cool damp cloth. Look on our website under the "super dog" tab to get more information on this program and the studies behind it!
Today we had a quick in and out vet visit for Annie. I had forgotten that the last visit when she got into the van afterwards her toe had gotten caught in the track for the van door. She hasn't ever loved car rides, but today it was challenging to say the least! While she wasn't injured from the previous "toe catching" incident ,it was obvious she remembered it π
I had to literally carry her to get her in the van both to go to the vet and to go back home.
So this afternoon I took a few minutes to do a refresher on getting in and out of the car. Wow! Annie is smart as a whip and caught on quickly as she always does. It started with her pulling away as soon as we got close to the van. But as you see here after about 15 minutes of patience and literally a time π€£ this was the result! I plan to do this twice a week until it becomes a natural thing. Just thought I would share this small victory we had today!
**P.s. the mournful wailing you can hear is Bailey not getting to partake in Annie's one on one training" π€£ they are attached at the hip π"