If you are wanting to do a alternative afterlife method for your pet, there are some important factors that play into the process.
If it is a planned passing with your vet, you can ask them about storing your pet for you for a short period If you are unable to freeze and store at home. If a pet passes unexpectedly, you can still potentially call your vet and ask if this is possible. Whether through a vet or on your own, the best thing to do is get your animal wrapped in a towel or blanket and freeze them as soon as possible, or keep them as cold as possible. This slows or stops the decomposition process that actually starts the moment the body stops.
We are pretty accommodating on drop offs and can do after-hours to an extent.
This is especially important if you're wanting to have a tan done and with some other preservation as well, such as wet specimens. Some preservation can be done after decomposition has taken hold. However, there is no guarantee on certain procedures, and there is an extra handling fee for decomposition work.
Something else to think about. Sometimes, you may have an animal buried in a yard that you're going to be moving away from and really do not want to leave them behind, but don't know what else can be done. We can assist with options for you! Just reach out and let's discuss your individual needs!