Feels like...SOAPBOX SUNDAY! 😏
What are pet owners feeding their pets these days? Surprisingly, KIBBLE is overwhelmingly still king, with many owners giving it top grades for safety, cost and convenience. Except for ease of handling and convenience, these so-called benefits are simply NOT REAL. And, what is convenient (or enjoyable) about a chronically sick pet? Highly processed diets and ill health, often starts very early in the life of a puppy or kitten with itchy skin or digestive issues. It goes like this...
You bring home a perfectly healthy, recently weaned puppy or kitten, and soon you notice he’s scratching a lot, or having diarrhea a few times a week, or vomiting for no apparent reason. You take him to the veterinarian, tests are (or aren’t) run, and you’re sent home with drugs and a bag of “prescription” processed pet food that doesn’t fix the problem. This is too often the beginning of a vicious cycle for many pet parents and their long-suffering animal companions. Fortunately, more people (though surprisingly, not the revolution it should be!) are looking for the root cause of the problem, and common sense tells them to start with the first building block of health, which is NUTRITION! That and HOLISTIC veterinary care.
I'm Dr Z and that's the Bite! 😉
Despite the impressive growth of fresh diets for pets, kibble is still king, sitting atop the list of most frequently purchased pet foods for dogs and cats.