As I sit back and watch the Stream of the and the from all over the world come into my computer screen via social media I cannot help but imagine what all of “That” means to the common folk or the kids who will inherit our work once we are gone? I mean online conferences, pay to play can only go so far. How does a child, student, neophyte, find inspiration in redlined images on “graph’s” or “star charts”, “astrology” or what “Mercury through the trine for the next 2-days” means? For those of you who are stuck in the stars/the forces that can influence creation let us all be reminded that “creation lies directly beneath our feet”. Its planetary and the realm of the Divine Feminine/Holy Spirit/Mother Nature. Nobody is out there actually showing you the practice, instead they are asking you for your money to attend their course or buy their version of a biodynamic calendar without ever showing a thing or better yet sharing the ASTOUNDING results. How else are we to inspire others to choose this farming practice or better yet to think like water and find the way here on earth?
With all of this in mind, the Full Moon of September and the Fall Equinox both arrived here last week in Tuesday Sept. 17th @ 10:34 PM ESFT, (Eastern Standard Farm Time) and Saturday Sept 22 @ 8:43 AM ESFT, the Detroit Based farming Crew was there in the field to “harness the forces available to all of us”. Young Master Nick Doggett mixed the Biodynamic Preparations for the last time and applied them to the Flowers and Fields. Master Joe Murry went by to say Hi to our Horse friends stationed at the Mounted Police, (1500 Meters away) to collect some super fresh and still steamy-green-road-apples for our Cow horn insertions, (Contrary to the “experts’ out there, Steiner was right about horse manure, its all we have ever used for the last 15 years and the results are magnificent). Joe and Young worthy apprentice Bernard Dickerson can be seen inserting the freshness into the Vortice Antenna’s that then are capped with Clay and inserted into the ground for the Cosmic period, (influenced by distant starlight over the darker period, fall to spring, in the northern hemisphere),
Master Andrea Meyers and Young Master Michelle Burda met with our Regenerative Organic Inspector
from who flew all the way across America from Oregon to come out and inspect our farming efforts which received “Gold Status” the highest level of regenerative organic certification in the world. In essence we are a test farm that is always “testing to prove these things out” R. Steiner 1924 while we expand our knowledge base and improve the intended results. This year we were blessed with 8 different seed strains from fellow Sun and Earth farmers, beginning with the Full Moon of February, March and April, we sent them off to the races to photo journal each moon and record the results. For those of you whom are unaware, or are inclined to Judge and Hate on things that you do not understand, Cannabis is de-criminalized in Detroit. We have licenses to legally grow our 26 test subjects from the State of Michigan. Some come in early like our pink type ‘Honey Buns’, the silvery frost of ‘7A x Natty Bumppo, (from ) and a local favorite , all are remarkable. “You know I have seen big plants in Southern Oregon before, but I could never imagine anything like this in Michigan, let alone in Detroit”, Kris E. Fellow cannabis grower and Sun and Earth Inspector.