Building some new bases for our setters today.
We are beyond excited to soon be offering original gear and apparel! Thanks for the help today, Theo!
#explorecanine #happydogs #dogtraining #leatherwork #biothane #doggear #weaverleather #buckleguy #doodlesofinstagram #doodles #labradoodle #lifewithdogs #femaleowned #entrepreneur #smallbusinessowner #workingdogs #dogs
Take your time and have fun!
Use treats, your voice, toys, etc. (and maybe a little bit of leash pressure) to encourage them to leap 😜 into a more confident lifestyle.
Introducing your dog to challenging, yet achievable obstacles will help boost their confidence and make your training goals closer to reach! ✨
#dogtrainingtips #dogtrainer #dogslife #happydog #lifewithdogs #dogsofinstagram #traineddogsarehappydogs #aussie #miniaussiesofinstagram #australianshepherd #puppy #femaleentrepreneurs
💥Dog Parks💥
I stay away from dog parks. There are too many unknowns when it comes to the safety of your dog.
Are the other dogs completely dog safe?
How do the dogs act towards others once they get tired?
Do they become irritable?
Do the owners notice and remove the dog?
Are they UTD on vaccines?
Do they have intestinal parasites?
So many unanswered questions in an uncontrolled environment with uncontrolled dogs that YOUR dog is running around with, parkouring off sh*t, getting crazy.
BUT if utilized differently, it can be a great place to work your dog around crazy distractions!
#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogsofinstagram #dogpark #dogtrainingadvice #traineddogsarehappydogs #dogtrainer #doglife #lifewithdogs #activedog
To effectively train your dog, you must continue to make exercises more and more challenging for them!
Make sure you are doing this in steps! Build up to the more difficult exercises so your dog can be successful and confident in training.
Training exercises allow you to train for the times you need it in the real world. These exercises help ensure they will listen when a squirrel runs by, or the mailman comes to the door. Make training realistic, and keep challenging your dog.
#dogtrainingtips #dogtraining #doodlesofinstagram #smalldogsneedtrainingtoo #germanshepherd #distractionproof #ecollartraining #dogtra #balanceddogtraining #traineddogsarehappydogs
Can’t preach it enough, you have to be able to reinforce!
#dogtraining #traineddogsarehappydogs #offleashtraining #longline #dogtrainingequipment #happydog #realworlddogtraining #bridgeportk9equipment #doodlesofinstagram #minidoodle #partydoodle #minipartydoodle #smalldogs #smalldogsneedtrainingtoo #tinydog
Recall is SO important for your dogs safety! But don’t expect your dogs recall to be consistent unless you are consistent with training.
Set your dog up for success by using treats or a favorite toy to reward them for coming to you!
Always have a way to reinforce your recall command. This could be a leash, long line, ecollar, or whatever your dog is conditioned to. Just be able to back up your command if/when your dog decides to blow you off.
#dogtraining #traineddogsarehappydogs #husky #huskylove #rescuedogsofinstagram #huskymix #blueeyeddog #blueeyes #recalltraining #longline #ecollartraining #offleashtraining #ithinkilikethislittlelifedogtrend #ecollardogtraining #ecollar #dogtra #dogtraofficial #dogtracue #cuegen2
This is a big one with a lot of my clients!
Remember that dogs can figure out a pattern quickly, and sometimes breaking the pattern is all you need to do!
I’m also not passing up on the chance to train while doing something else that’s productive. That’s a more realistic training environment for your dog! Although, vacuuming a car with a German Shepherd inside of it is pretty counterproductive! 😂
#dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #atraineddogisahappydog #germanshepherd #gsdofinstagram #sablegermanshepherd #happydog #explorecanine #multitasking #sheddingseason
Blooper! I think Theo knew the end game here!
#dogtrainingfun #dogtraining #dogtricks #smartdog #doodlesofinstagram #doodles #explorecanine #dogobedience #offleashlife #funwithdogs
He’s always checking in! #dogsthathike #hikingwithdogs #dogsthatexplore #dogsthathikearedogsilike #dog #dogtraofficial #dogtra #ecollartraining #ecollar #offleashtraining #offleashlife #explorecanine
Practice recall with your dog during “free time” too! When training for off leash recall, it’s important to practice as realistic as possible. You are going to want a reliable recall when you least expect it, not just when your dog is on a down stay. Add more distractions as your dog shows they can handle it, making it more challenging. AND make it fun! Call them, once they start moving towards you, reward with your voice! You’re working against their instinct to explore with their senses. If they choose you, PRAISE them! If they don’t, no big deal, just be ready to have a way to reinforce you’re command; longline and/or ecollar. #dogtraining #balanceddogtraining #recall #offleash #offleashtraining #longline #dogsthathikearedogsilike #dogtraofficial #explorecanine #germanshepherd #gsdpuppy #gsdofinstagram #distractionproofing #reallifedogtraining #dogs #puppy #obedience #dogobedience #ecollartraining
💥Are you making this VERY common mistake with your dog? Keep your hands off your dog when it’s processing a difficult situation. Timing is everything! Don’t encourage the wrong behavior. Petting your dog is a great reward that needs to be delivered at the correct time. If you and your dog are struggling with reactivity or over-stimulation, contact a trainer to teach you when to reward and when to correct a behavior. 🐕#dogtrainingtips #dogtraining #reactivedogtraining #reactivedog #balanceddogtraining #happydog #dogsofinstagram #activedog #dogs #husky #puppytraining #leashtraining #dogsthathikearedogsilike #thegreatoutdogs #explorecanine #dogstagram #dogwalk #leasheddog #leashreactivity
Maverick has such a sweet personality and wants to please his handler. When Maverick started training, the biggest goal was to build his confidence. When he’s under pressure, he will typically shut down. Training has helped his confidence tremendously. This video shows us working through the mistakes in a positive way to build his confidence in obedience. Also, funny blooper in the back that shows how all dogs mess up from time to time.