Winter Break Event Schedule:
Friday, December 27th, 10AM - 2PM
Saturday, December 28th, 10AM - 2PM
Sunday, December 29th, 10AM - 2PM
Monday, December 30th, 10AM - 2PM
Our 2 week old, baby Nigerian Dwarf goats will be bouncing around the barn while you sip on your cup of hot Cocoa. When you enter the nursery you can sit back and watch them jump, play and run, or you can scoop a baby up for some snuggles and a selfie!
Location: Fruits N Such Orchard - 6309 Avenue U Dickinson, TX 77539 turn onto Bowerman Drive from 517 and continue straight onto the dirt road.
$10/person - 2 & under is free with adult entry.
Cash is preferred.
The rest of the farm is not open for picking yet, but if you would like to bring a sack lunch and play at the playground you are welcome! If weather permits, we will have a campfire for roasting marshmallows!
We will also have our homemade goat milk soap and other goodies for sale! Addie 🐐 loves people and all the snacks!!
We hope to see you here!