Critters Feed and Seed

Critters Feed and Seed Welcome to Critters Feed & Seed. We carry Wild bird seed, dog and cat food, Koi and other pond rela Critters is more than just for the birds!

Permanently closed.

The Critters purpose is to establish a nurturing relationship with your pets and wildlife that you know and love. Our love to see everybody live a happy and prosperous life is . To do this; we promote a healthy life style through proper nutrition and the equipment you need. Critters is concerned about habitats, those that are disappearing, as well as those in your own backyard. We carry seed, qual

ity bird feeders, houses and more for our feathered friends. We carry food for dogs, cats, and even your barnyard friends. Do you want an aquatic feature? Need landscaping work? Cleaning and care for your pond and equipment? That is what we are here to help you with! Please contact us for more! We are happy to serve the Fargo-Moorhead area with all your needs.


Take care, there is odd thoughts floating around at night, not of this world!


This time that I have spent as a consumer has been eye opening for me. I am seeing where there is weakness in what we need for ourselves for what we are doing, in our stage of life. With all the loss of the past few years, many things remain un-done, and much of the makeup of a businessman, is a need to fill these openings. There are great gaps that have opened in our world, for those who know how to fill them, so the spirit of Critters Feed and Seed may change, but it may never be gone.


I am getting a lot of messages about new visitors to this sight, but I am not getting any information on why they are coming here. Is this just the new owner trying to get me to reopen this sight, or is this an honest attempt of customers seeking a place to find the things I used to offer? I have said that I would leave this sight open so I can gage if I should restart my business, but all that I know about business tells me that this time has not yet come. I still monitor this site on a regular basis, and besides the lack of available stock that my business requires. It would be foolish to reopen, and I would lose a lot of money in doing it. So if you have a need that I would normally supply if I were open, leave a message, or call me at the number on this site, it is a number that was a business number that has been changed to a private number, for this business is still CLOSSED TO BUSSINESS. AND that still looks like it will not reopen any time soon, if ever.


I need to know what happened to me last night. I had so many energy beings come through around me, and I am in the middle my continent. They asked nothing of me, but I couldn't tell if they were attacking me, but it did seem like they were trying to help me, not hurting me. If this was a mass exiting, why come here? I'm nowhere near the human losses going on, and the numbers that were here went on for a long time, and the number I could not count. I have no reference to this happening, any idea's.


"Deceit" I'm going to post this on all three of my Facebook accounts, mostly because of I'm really hoping to get some feedback on this. I wake up one or more times a week after about 2.5 hours of sleep and I lie in bed unable to go back to sleep, tonight is one of them. I finally got up after almost three hours of tossing and turning, thinking of one thing that has been going through my mind, and that is "Deceit". For many years now I have been aware of the active attack of deceit on my mind being done. Trouble is, it is coming from several different directions, and I feel it's time to bring it into the light. I have been being taught from several different directions, and even shown things inside my mind, places. I'm sure some of you will just say this is imagination, but for longer than this has been happening, others have named these places as places that they have been showed. Now some of these places I have "traveled" to, in my mind, I feel were real, but some I questioned. Some I moved around freely in, but some of the "places", I stood still and could only turn as if I was looking at a picture. Now, I have also talked to beings as well, sometimes they give me information, and they make sense, sometimes they don't, but most of the time I feel why they don't tell me. That is where the Deceit comes in. If you are one of those people like me, understand that there are beings out there that are capable of mind reading from a distance, even great distances, and all of them are not necessarily friendly, some of them consider earth their home. This is coming.


I'm kinda not sure what I should do. I took on Critters Feed and Seed with one goal in mind, and that was to make enough money to live and build my true passion and that is my ponds. I can tell you one thing about ponds that I know is true, they are very expensive to build and keep up here in the frozen north. I can tell you other things about it up here, the outdoor part of this is at best the last half of May, to the beginning of October, maybe 6 months, if you're lucky. So, what this means is, 6 months indoors, there is where your challenge is. Keeping your livestock alive for 6 months and thriving, as well as growing. This means heating and feeding, and not profiting on anything for 6 months. Now, I really don't have a problem with that, what I call TUBY, (The Unique Back Yard), is twofold kind of thing. I am one, a survivalist, and second a trained business manager. If things went south, I could use the ponds to raise edible fish, or I could use them as part of a business, but I was not expecting the WAY things have gone south. It is not yet time to turn the Koi into bass, etc..., and things could still turn back, and maybe I could still get back to having a business again, but it is not looking good. I could live until 90, but that is becoming slimmer and slimmer every day that passes. We can't make the money, and money is flying out the widow faster than it ever has as more and more people are using other peoples money to live thinking nothing of their future. I am not yet done setting up tuby, I have been trying to set up a self-sustaining backyard that contains both Koi and goldfish that the Koi would be at the center of it, and the goldfish ponds would take much of the matter that needs to be broken down and turned into food for the plants. I'm still trying to work out how to move, efficiently, the matter from the Koi Pond, to the Goldfish ponds, other than by vacuuming from the filter and the skimmer, I cannot afford a professional water vac. I guess what I'm trying to say is, this business is no longer a business, and TUBY is as it should be, my backyard, a work in progress, and a wellness garden that you are welcome to come and visit, just give me a call. You need to pick my brain, what's left of it is here, but it is friend that I would like to call you, not customer. Be Well.

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I gotta go: These are the things that I hate. I don't hate people, I hate what they say. These three words are the most hateful words I know. I gotta go, I hear them 5 days a week, often repeated so many times. They rip the one person I love more than anyone, out of my arms in the morning. I could go the rest of my life never hearing I gotta go, and I will still hear I gotta go, echoing in my head. Time takes her from me, over and over, and makes me wait for her, and if I die before her, I will wait some more. I will wait unseen, and if time takes her when I am not looking, I will wait alone to see her again. Please someone, come tell me where she is, for I will always need her. I gotta go.

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On the lighter side: We in "The Unique Back Yard", are playing around with a new toy. Just to find other things to help us enjoy our unique backyard, I put 50 dollars into a camera that uses Wifi to hook together with my wife's phone. It took us sometime, for we are not good with the new technology, but we got it working. When I told my doubting wife that I bet she could see our fish even from her work miles away, she doubted it, and yesterday she opened the program to find, sure enough the fish were there. Last night I told her, I bet you if you learned what you have to do with your new Phone to talk on the camera's built-in speaker and mic, she could talk to me and the fish from work. Now today we have done that as well. I told her last night as well, I bet if we go to celebrate your birthday this weekend to the Zorbaz of your choice, and it has Wifi, we will be able to see our fish from even that far away and she thinks we will surely not be able to do that. I wanted to continue on with that thought, and tell her, I bet you can even see that from the beaches of Hawaii, but I can't afford to prove that, so kept my mouth shut. The butterflies are here in "The Unique Back Yard", in numbers we have not seen ever before, and so are the w**ds, wish you were here; TO HELP US TO PULL WEEDS OF COURSE. Be Well.


If you want to find me, I will be feeding my fish in "The Unique Back Yard."


We were just out clearing some w**ds in "The Unique Back Yard" when LeeAnn was feeding the fish and taking a last look around as the fire waned and I hear her beckon Rick! I followed her voice to the side of the house and she says "Look", as she points at a Swamp Milk w**d with a full grown Monarch caterpillar munching on a leaf. Less than a week ago we had seen the smallest Monarch caterpillar, we have ever seen, now this one is the biggest we have seen. We try to let this whole process play out naturally, but we have not seen the around two weeks the rest that plays out to butterfly stage. This is the earliest we have had this happen, but I will not put something meant to be free in a jar so I can watch an un-natural birth, I will wait and let it be nature that takes its course someday. Right now, over the last 20 years, we have seen a 85% decline of Monarches, and I want only to do my part to change this for the Monarches benefit, someday, perhaps, I will see the day once more that their numbers will allow us to watch this process again.


The Unique Back Yard
I really dislike slow starts in Spring, granted I'm trying to help God, (Who really doesn't need my help, but patience is his thing), I don't do so well in that category, but I'm trying, that's really all he asks for. We spent three or four days working on our fire pit, we dug it out a bit, and put rocks on the floor of it, then built the sides up with rocks, and topped off the ground level with large rocks. I know your thinking that's not God's job, but really isn't that why he put us here? To bring heaven to earth. Okay, I'm cutting hairs here, but much of what I have been doing is cutting and burning w**ds and scrap wood to create ash, an ingredient for good compost. I have planted many perennial plants, like cattails and flowers, etc..., and I'm working on more and more beds in "The Unique Back Yard", and I try to reuse everything I can. That is one lesson I have tried to learn from God. I bought two different composters, several years back to test them both, and I've gotta say, I like the one that rotates best, just for its time saving factor. I'm trying to cut out the dead cattails and other plant's, to make way for new growth, and more compost, and buying a new composter, I also got more building and fence moving to do. Spring is not quite sprung yet, though buds are budding, and I'm running out of time.


Looking for a Medium: I am many things, even a Medium, but it is an ability I prefer not to use, for the one thing I know to be true is the only thing that lie's more than a human being is the human animal that has moved on. But I find myself in need of a good one, any takers?


Okay, starting the re-
filling of the main pond!


Now that I am sitting in my Unique Backyard focusing energy on more important things, I must remind the one who decided it would be a good idea to take from me, (someone who can recognize your energy signature from anyone else), take from me at 12:51 this morning such simple possessions, when I have things' and knowledge, I would gladly share with those I loved who would take the time to sit with me. Please come to me, and bring that what you took, for your ways will not work for much longer


To many this is not going to sound right, and it will sound crazy. But I'm not talking to those how are not sensitive. I am talking to those of you who pay attention to the details. I am noticing what I want to term Harmonics, but it's balance. I'm feeling and hearing a different pitch to the earth, and it's getting worse. I'm trying to level it, but this is something that needs a network of minds, and I know you're out there, I feel you all everyday. There is a huge number of people out there who are Energy Handler some of you don't even know they are Energy Handlers, but listen close, and you'll hear a hum, out there that is constant and the strength of it is getting stronger and the pitch is not right. Focus on that hum, it's like a plane flying overhead that never stops, and focus on buffering it's tone, and slowing it down. It will not be good for this to continue, spread the word to all who will listen.


Update: Critters Feed and Seed is still closed, and I still see that remaining closed for this season. I continue to work on "The Unique Back Yard", building an energy well with fish, birds, plants & moving water. Rocks & crystals to enhance the area for the proper effect, and Farries and other fun stuff. These are the things I love, and the things that keep me young in my mind, I hope you will have the time to visit me this summer, bring the kids, they'll love feeding the fish, Peace.


The Snow's are here, and the Trumpeter Swans are with them, and I'm stuck here. If I could, I would be at American Crystal right now counting the numbers of Trumpeter Swans, for I saw plenty mixed in with the Snow Geese flying over "The Unique Back Yard". It is the one great success story in Minnesota, and the USA to see them off the endangered list. Take the time to celebrate their return, visit your favorite swamp, and if you can, support the efforts of those trying to return the swamps, nature's sponges need our help.

Due to covid, Critters Feed and Seed is no longer open.  As a hobby I still continue working on "The Unique Back Yard" t...

Due to covid, Critters Feed and Seed is no longer open. As a hobby I still continue working on "The Unique Back Yard" to help and aide the Aqua Hobbyist of the area in a small way. I still will use this site for its information and its possible future should things return to some form of normalcy. I do have some fish etc..., that I can sell, until then, be well.

The cold weather may be bringing everything inside but that hasn't stopped the absolute beauty and happiness! This parti...

The cold weather may be bringing everything inside but that hasn't stopped the absolute beauty and happiness! This particular flower refused to bloom outside this summer, but once brought to it's winter home it decided to show it's almost perfect gloriousness. Stay warm, everyone!

We found another friend today as we begin closing down the ponds and moving the Koi and goldfish into their winter homes...

We found another friend today as we begin closing down the ponds and moving the Koi and goldfish into their winter homes. He was very nice and happy. 😊

We got 3 inches of rain here in "The Unique Back Yard" over night, along with a lot of heavy winds.  It knocked down the...

We got 3 inches of rain here in "The Unique Back Yard" over night, along with a lot of heavy winds. It knocked down the hibiscuses a bit but, they will recover some. As promised though, this one bloomed just to show you that beauty cannot be stopped.

The first Pink Water Hibiscus is near blooming for this year, they all start blooming in August.  Little late because Sp...

The first Pink Water Hibiscus is near blooming for this year, they all start blooming in August. Little late because Spring was near two weeks late. This one should bloom this weekend. There are going to many blooming this year, pic's to follow.


Until business gets back to normal, I will not be open as "Critters Feed and Seed." I will be working on things that I can still do and that is more a hobby, "The Unique Back Yard." I have now finished reacquiring my phone number and can be contacted on that. My work and effort will be focused on acquiring swamp land and helping to reestablishing habitats for the Monarch and the honeybee and other natural flowers back into the wild. If you wish to help me in this effort, I’m here.


I find this most interesting; I feel you out there, yet you remain silent in your muses. Why?


“Critters Feed and Seed” has been closed down, but “The Unique Back Yard” continues on. I am an “Energy Handler” have been in one form or another for more than 55 years. I have been working on a “Wellness Center” for more than 15 years. I am working on what would be referred to as an “Energy Generator”, to benefit this area. Greed has taken many of these energy wells from us for the sake fame and fortune. Nature has spent many thousands of life time’s creating these, and in the name of greed we have taken them away. It is time to fix what is clearly breaking under the weight of greed of the faceless. The energy I am releasing, please use it to help the life that knows how to spread it.


It's been a long time since I have been here. I have been focusing on one thought, and that is "Understanding". I was told years ago that I have reached the stage of Understanding, and the lessons of such followed. If you followed and read any of my posts, such as my path into the sixth level of death in the pursuit of my brother, I will continue from there. It is today that understanding has come to me. It is not what I thought I had learned, I thought I had learned I could not go through the 7th vail because of the spirit/soul I carried with me, it was that a soul divided cannot walk in a pure realm. That is why our souls are divided, the body cannot carry the total soul into the 7th realm, ("Heaven" if you wish). I cannot say that the body can't carry the soul in whole and walking in the 7th realm is not possible but is it a higher plain of existence? And is it that we can bring all that we are to a marriage that is destined to be?


206 Center Avenue W
Dilworth, MN


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Our Story

Feed and Seed’s have been around for a long time, mostly for the farmers to get feed for their domestic animals and seed for crops etc..., but as time has changed, so has the direction of “Feed and Seed’s.

More and more we have found ourselves having to add more products to survive and leaving the knowledge behind. More and more we find ourselves looking at things on a shelf and locked away. Less and less we find ourselves without places to see things in use.

Knowledge is best learned by seeing and that is what I try to do here. My best show case is the out of doors and this business has in many ways is not a Feed and Seed and more a back yard habitat. Most of us will never have more than a back yard here in the city. This is for those who want to make the best of their “Unique Back Yard”. We are happy to serve the Fargo-Moorhead area with all your needs.

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