Ellie made a break for it to see if anyone wanted to play 🤣🤣🤣 Nice job everyone 🤩🐾🤩
This girl picked this up so quickly and was having a great time. I started by rewarding her for simply stepping into the box. Then we started working on down and we got lovely straight downs with no forward movement!!
Smart girl🐾💖🐾
Here is some insight into some foundation work with a lovely poodle. I want a down with no forward movement. I simply want to shape and reward the position and the dog is very successful, happy and thinks this is a fun game.
A position box can be a game changer in shaping cues with your dog😊
Destiny was the demonstration dog for the finish - both left and right. She is overcoming the pressure she feels in an environment like this: dogs barking, microphone and speaker, people and dogs moving all around her and at this point you can hear the rain is very loud. Good girl💖🐾💖
Destiny did great with place with all the dogs, people and it was loud with the rain. Nice job🤩💖🐾🤩💖
Great sit stays👍💪🏻👍🤩🤩🤩 GG is overseeing everyone 😂
Great class at 8 AM this morning 🤗🐾🤗GG did very well with place and also demonstrated down! There may have been some drama with that but she got it done😂💖🐾💖😂
The intermediate class was also happy to show off their skills today🤩 We did a whole series of these exercises and the last one was the most impressive! Somehow I took a photo and not video, so if you took video please post it here for all to see🤗🐾🤗
Another great video of Ziggy and Ramsay 💙🐾💙
This boy has come so far!!! Totally comfortable around another dog🐾🐾
Not to be outdone by her camp pal Miss D also did very well with place🤗🐾🤗 Afterwards I realized she was cold and needed her coat🥶
Well who would have known that this girl would make this huge learning leap today!!
So proud of this young lady - her confidence is improving and you can clearly see she was very pleased with herself today💖🐾💖