This shows you why grooming your fur babies plays an important roll:
most shedding is totally natural and shouldn’t be concerning, however there are things to watch out for.. Fur loss which can resemble shedding could be an indication of an underlying health issue, like hypothyroidism or even Cushing’s disease. If your dog’s fur has changed in texture, shedding, patches of fur falling out, or you notice skin irritation it would be a good ideal to contact your veterinarian. While most dogs shed year-round some pups may grow a longer coat in the winter to stay warm, in the spring they shed the fur to help them stay cool. When Fall comes around the process starts all over, so natural shedding happens in fall and spring.
Seasonal shedding is normal, and even though you can't stop it from happening, regularly brushing and grooming your dog can not only cut down on the fur in your home, but could also help keep them healthy. It's important to find a groomer who you and your pet trust and keep your grooming appointments. 🐾