Lenny 😍🥰 it matters to this one
Little Christina was trapped earlier this week. Her bottom lip is missing (an injury that is almost healed) but she doesn't notice a thing. Only better days for her. It matters to this one.
If you support our TNR mission please like, comment, share, donate to keep us going ❤
Vnmo @Mazowski https://venmo.com/Mazowski
PaPal @LMazowski https://paypal.me/LMazowski
(No fees when sent as friends and family)
If you need a receipt or don't know us, you can donate to the verified nonprofit at https://paypal.me/woodlandwhiskers (cats lose 3%)
Little Christina was trapped earlier this week. Her bottom lip is missing (an injury that is almost healed) but she doesn't notice a thing. Only better days for her. It matters to this one.
If you support our TNR mission please like, comment, share, donate to keep us going ❤
Vnmo @Mazowski https://venmo.com/Mazowski
PaPal @LMazowski https://paypal.me/LMazowski
(No fees when sent as friends and family)
If you need a receipt or don't know us, you can donate to the verified nonprofit at https://paypal.me/woodlandwhiskers (cats lose 3%)
Veterinarian in training.
Some feral cats are normal. Then there is Bert. Sanctuary life for this pillow foot warrior. He's not stuck. He's faking.
20 kittens and 4 adults have rescue placement! We need to raise some funds for the rest of their medical care then send them on their way! We are still short $950 😲 and can't sell enough blueberries to cover it 😆
Please share far and wide and donate if you can. Every little bit helps!
Vnmo @Mazowski https://venmo.com/Mazowski
PaPal @LMazowski https://paypal.me/LMazowski
(No fees when sent as friends and family)
If you need a receipt or don't know us, you can donate to the verified nonprofit at https://paypal.me/woodlandwhiskers (cats lose 3%)
Can you imagine being abducted and left on the side of the road surrounded by many acres of unfamiliar woods?
Yes, this happens all the time, everywhere, and it's nearly impossible to enforce the law that attempts to prevent this.
You deserved better little furry life. We truly hope you survive.
Out of love for our neighbors and community, we have removed identifiers for the person responsible.
It is a death sentence to relocate wildlife more than 1-2 miles from their home. Mother's cannot be separated from babies under any circumstances. It is illegal to relocate animals further from home than allowed. It is illegal to release an animal without permission of the land owner/municipality. It is unethical to prioritize one life over another! Contain your animals safely. Secure your home properly. Prevent destruction of your property proactively. Learn to coexist. If you need guidance contact a wildlife rehabber. With the internet at our fingertips there is no excuse to not educate yourself.
This is what can happen when an 8 month old kitten gives birth to unwanted kittens. Two kittens look like this. We do not have the resources for this but these kittens need to be pulled to a rescue that knows how to help them. Please share until we find them that miracle. Working on getting better footage. Call us at (609) 782-0257
Miracle found!!! Thank you all for sharing. Rise Again Animal Rescue will be taking on their case. They will get the best care!!
This is what can happen when an 8 month old kitten gives birth to unwanted kittens. Two kittens look like this. We do not have the resources for this but these kittens need to be pulled to a rescue that knows how to help them. Please share until we find them that miracle.
✨️Wishy✨️ gets a new cage
We love Sister. Coming up with the right words for this girl is difficult. You can send her more Tiki Baby Functions food and clean soft blankets from our wishlist: https://a.co/gudjZPh
We know the cage is messy. We consider many factors and details when feeding before cleaning a feral cat cage everyday.
We're stubby and chubby.
We ride a little low,
With rounded eyes,
and faces wide.
a teeny pushed in nose.
Many months later Trixie is still loving her happily ever after. Doomed to live her life on the streets, FIV+, untreated upper respiratory virus, ear polyps, malnourished. We scooped her up and loved her, treated her. Kizzy's Place, Inc. was thrilled to take her and help her find a home. She hit the jackpot with her new family! True cat people, extended family came to meet her, and she sleeps in her humans bed every night. This is what we dream of! Love you always Miss Trixie!
💵Congrats to Jessica Walker💵 for winning with FootballMania last weekend! And to Jackie Madden for winning the week before!
You can buy a ticket through Woodland Whiskers and win while rooting for your NFL teams each week!
Games start November 2nd.
10 weeks of winnings.
Guaranteed winner each week!
Each ticket cost $20.
Woodland Whiskers gets $14 for each ticket they sell.
We raised $500 during our last sale!
Why?? 😭 and one of the babies trapped over the weekend has the tip of its tail degloved 💔 both will need vet visits and treatment. Please donate if you can.
paypal @LMazowski
venmo @Mazowski
Riley is in respiratory distress. He can't keep struggling and needs to be laid to rest now. On our way to the ER to send him off with lots of love