Sorry for the long note.
From the heart of a dog groomer. I’m not good at writing things well so I apologize if this is not well put.
We understand that when you bring your dog in to us they are in fact your dog right 😂. They don’t belong to us. Whether they start coming in as puppies and become regulars or when you come to us in the middle of your pups life either way no matter how they came to us, we fall in love.
Your dog may not be someones favorite breed or they might be. Your fur baby might change someone’s mind about a breed they didn’t care for before. One of the blessings and beauties of our job is that we get to have all the breeds but don’t take them all home. (Even though I want too ).
What I’m getting at is that seeing your beautiful face and loving on your dogs is such a great joy it’s so difficult to explain in words. We fall in love with your pets. They become a teeny bit our babies too. We share love, giggles, kisses, slober, and wiggle butts each visit. We watch your pup grow. Whether from literally the puppy stage or from a bad previous experience as they gain confidence and trust with us. We love your dogs. Sometimes we even argue over who gets to groom your baby that visit 🤣
So please trust when I say, my heart aches and I cry when you recieve bad news. Or when your baby gets lost. Or heaven forbid your pup crosses that rainbow bridge. When you lose your fur baby I lose them too. Please I don’t mean this in a selfish manner. I just want to express how much my heart breaks with you. I have lost a few of my babies this year. And have heard some terrible news about a few more. What’s a big bummer is most times, when I last saw your baby I didn’t know it was my last time. So I will continue be ridiculous in my love and smooches over your pet each and every visit. Because I really mean it when I say that I love your dogs. I’m not being nice I mean it. I will love and pet them the entire way out the door and pray I get too see them again in a couple of months.
Love Amanda Thomas