Loveline Golden Retrievers

Loveline Golden Retrievers "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all yousoul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37-39

And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." We are a serious hobby breeder committed to maintaining the breeding standards established by the Golden Retriever Club of America and the American Kennel Club. Our goal is to produce a beautiful, healthy Golden Retriever dog that is suited for companion work, service or therapy work, hunting, or any one of the numerous dog sports. We bel

ieve Golden Retrievers can bring into a home much love and comfort. We practice early socialization with our puppies and begin clicking training as soon as they are on the ground. Our name "Loveline" indicates the heritage of love handed down from the founders of the breed, as well as our personal Lineage of love through Jesus Christ. Each of our dogs receive a name that reflects some aspect of God's love that we would want to reflect to the world.

Happy 2nd Birthday to Loveline's Bakers Dozen puppies and to our Buc-ee! Buc-ee had a great birthday celebration with fr...

Happy 2nd Birthday to Loveline's Bakers Dozen puppies and to our Buc-ee! Buc-ee had a great birthday celebration with friends and family, starting with a fun hike with friends at Cochran Mill Park on the trail that runs along Bear Creek! Lots of rocks and waterfalls! Buc-ee loves water! Then he ran in the woods today and went for a swim. At noon he had birthday cupcakes with his family and opened all his gifts which were mostly new stuffies and treats! Older brother Banner bullied Buc-ee as usual and took his favorite new stuffie! But it only lasts a bit! Buc-ee spent the evening playing ball and hanging with his humans! It was a great 2nd birthday! Thanks for all the updates from his littermates!

Congratulations to our Dodi! She passed her level 1 Land HRD test with ATSAR (Alpha Team K9 Search and Rescue) today. Th...

Congratulations to our Dodi! She passed her level 1 Land HRD test with ATSAR (Alpha Team K9 Search and Rescue) today. This is the first of 3 in house level tests that Dodi must pass in order to become an operational HRD dog. She will also need to pass a national certification in order to obtain her GEMA search dog license. We have a ways to go but it is a first step.....and she did it while being 1 month pregnant....the equivalent of being 7 months pregnant as a human!

After a brief break from our Therapy visits, Teo and Banner are back on the road sharing smiles and joy with the girls a...

After a brief break from our Therapy visits, Teo and Banner are back on the road sharing smiles and joy with the girls at Wellspring Living! It brings me so much joy to watch my dogs play chase and tug and just cuddle with people that they've never met before!
We are hoping to add a few more Therapy Dog destinations to our schedule in the next few weeks. If you know of anyone or any institution that would like a Therapy Dog visit please let us know!

We are all back together again after a long 1 1/2 months of breeding and illness. My little pack of 7....

We are all back together again after a long 1 1/2 months of breeding and illness. My little pack of 7....

"It’s just a dog.” I have heard that statement so many times in my life, even from those closest to me, but after almost...

"It’s just a dog.” I have heard that statement so many times in my life, even from those closest to me, but after almost 30 years of breeding only Golden Retrievers, my heart is saddened for those who feel that way. I know there are people who don’t care for dogs, people who don’t have time for dogs, people who are afraid of dogs, and there are people who like dogs. These people are missing out on a amazing part of God’s creation. But then there are those people to whom God has given a passion for dogs. To those of us in this category, they are not just dogs. They are a huge part of who we are. In the Bible God speaks to his children encouraging us to Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. He doesn’t tell us to love our dogs, especially over people. But He did tell us that His creation of animals was good, He was happy with them and He gave us the command to care for all of the animals. Sometimes I have been known to be a “Goldentrovert”…one who prefers the company of Golden Retrievers rather than people”. But I believe that God has called me to love people through my Golden Retrievers. God has given me these dogs to enable me to build relationships with other people that I otherwise would never have met or even been able to build a relationship with. And in this process,, these wonderful mellow yellow canines have become a part of me that enable me to go into all the world and share the message of Jesus Christ.
But this passion for dogs, this ability to build such a deep connection with each of my own dogs brings an emotional liability with it. The past 2 ½ years have been an emotional drain on me. Death has taken 6 of my soulmates, some much too early in life, and pack aggression has taken 2 of my dogs out of my pack, much to my sorrow. This life with Goldens has taken its toll on me. I love these dogs and the life that God has given us together, but I find that my strength to continue is wavering. I feel that I have nothing left to give my dogs or to give to the people that God has brought into my life. I now have 7 amazing young Goldens that are eager to learn from me and eager to share their love with me and anyone else that makes themselves available to them. But over the past week, I have looked at them in an emotionally bankrupt state. And that has made me very sad…..I have lost my passion. And my dogs deserve better from me.
God has been so good to me over the past week since I lost Hannah dog. He has plucked me up out of my daily grind of managing my Loveline Golden Retrievers breeding business and Your Dog Knows dog training business and put me in a beautiful paradise between the Pacific Ocean and the luscious Costa Rican rainforest. There are no dogs and very few people…..just quiet beauty, solitude, and God. It has been a time of reflection and healing for me. During this time, I am learning to once again draw my strength from God to continue on the mission to which He has called me. In my study of Ephesians 6 Paul writes “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” It is not up to me to pull myself up out of my sorrow, it is God who is mighty and “those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31. Even though I have never experienced the kind of difficulties that I know the Apostle Paul spoke about, his words still speak to my heart during my difficult times….” I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I (am learning) the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13
The Lord has refreshed me with His mercy and grace each morning as I am awakened by the lonely call of the howler monkeys and the first rays of the beautiful Caribbean sunrise…. “this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:21-23.
I still have several more days left in this quiet retreat that God so graciously provided, but even now I am beginning to feel renewed. I know that I am to return to the service that God has appointed to me….“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. (1 Timothy 1:12) and I am looking forward to what service He has in store for me over the next 5 years with my 8 current Golden playmates. I am committed to give them a full and meaningful life and to share the message of God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ with all who come in contact me and my Goldens. “But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed”. I still long for days past with, Biba, Ellie, Agape, Rey, Chece, Liberty, Tzeda and Hannah. Each of these special dogs were so good at what they did. I spent so many hours with them. The bonds were deep. Hobby is still around approaching 14 years of age, but now I have 7 youngsters to pour what is left of me into them! Teo, Hosanna, Jubilee, Dodi, Banner, Buc-ee and Marigold…..together we will serve the Lord and share the wonderful message of his mercy and grace. By the grace of God, I have learned to love others through these dogs. To God be the Glory! Thank you all so very much for your prayers and encouraging words

This week I said goodbye to my soulmate….my Hannah dog.  Some of you may not know that I have a daughter named Hannah. T...

This week I said goodbye to my soulmate….my Hannah dog. Some of you may not know that I have a daughter named Hannah. Twelve years ago when I “accidentally” decided to name my puppy “Hannah”, I had to go to my daughter to ask her permission. She gave me permission but since then she has never been able to call my dog by her name! It has always been a source of amusement in our family. Since that day, my dog has been known as Hannah dog to distinguish who I might be talking about. When I am talking directly to one of them, my daughter has never learned to distinguish if I am talking to her or Hannah dog. My dog always seemed to be able to tell the difference!
So how did Hannah dog and I come to be soul mates? Hannah was born in May of 2012 to our Hobby and Biba. I had almost lost Biba when she had her 1st litter of puppies 2 years earlier. I was reluctant to breed her again for this reason. So when this 2nd litter was born, which was the 1st litter that Biba and Hobby had together, I knew I would have to keep a puppy from Biba in the unthinkable event that I lost her. Hannah dog would be the 1st puppy that I had ever kept from any of my breedings since Loveline Golden Retrievers was conceived. So Hannah would be special for both of those reasons. In God’s mercy, we did not lose Biba and she went on to have 2 other wonderful litters with Hobby and 1 with our Rey and gave us 13 wonderful years of life!
Hannah was one of 9 puppies from Biba and Hobby’s 2012 litter. We didn’t give theme names to our litters back then. Instead every puppy was given a name that meant “love”, usually in another language. Hannah stood out to me from the litter because she made eye contact with me every time I went to the whelping box or the puppy pen or puppy yard. She always saw me coming and came running up to me. And when I would pick her up, my 6 month old puppy, Rey, would come and lick her. He would even jump into the pen with the puppies and pick her out to play with! Rey and Hannah grew up to be a match made in heaven, as I once wrote in one of my posts. I never bred Hannah with any other dog. But why did I name her Hannah? I had purchased another puppy that same year from another breeder. I named that puppy “Raham”, which we shortened to
“Rey”. I chose “Raham” because it is a Hebrew word that means “care, be mild, have mercy, have tender affection, have compassion” which describes the characteristics of God’s love toward us. In the Bible there is another word that is a sister to God’s mercy and that always go together….mercy and grace. I knew that my 2nd 2012 puppy would need to have the name grace. At that time, all of my dogs were given Hebrew words for names that described characteristics of God’s love. So I wanted to call her the Hebrew name for “grace”….that was “Channah” also spelled “Hannah”. Of course, my daughter’s name was Hannah so that would not work. But I had named by daughter “Hannah” for a different reason…. because I loved the story of “Hannah” and her faith. So I decided to ask her permission, and as I said earlier, she was OK with the idea! So I had my mercy and grace to remind me daily of God’s mercy and grace that He bestows on me over and over again. And Hannah has been nothing short of a blessing of God’s grace to me for the past 12 years. She has been my constant companion. We trained together to do so many things. Most of Hannah’s early training was right beside her mother, Biba, as Hannah learned and participated in everything that Biba did. Hannah became a Therapy Dog when she was 1 year old and joined her mom and dad as the Loveline Therapy Dog team, becoming familiar visitors at our local elementary schools and at the juvenile court at the Douglas County Courthouse. Hannah trained as an agility competitor and was much more competitive and faster than Biba ever was. Biba loved agility as long as she didn’t have to compete! But Hannah quickly came to love her K9 Nose Work training more than agility and we began competing in K9 Nose Work much more regularly. Hannah was absolutely crazy about doing Nose Work! It was her passion! I never saw her ears perk up for anything more than the words “go search”. And she was much better at Nose Work than her mom was as well. She was rivaled only by her dad, Hobby! Hannah and I went on to compete in Nose Work trials until just a couple of months ago, before we had to say farewell to each other. She was just a few points short of her Elite 3 Title in K9 Nose Work. Another one of Hannah’s favorite activities was learning new tricks. Hannah earned her Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Performance titles in the AKC Trick Dog program. We were working on her Elite Performance routine in which she would tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with her tricks! Hannah was just a blast to teach new things to. She loved every challenge that came her way. She was willing to try just about anything for me. I loved her large brown alert eyes, her constant bouncing as she anticipated the next cue or treat, and her happy wagging tail. Hannah loved life!
One thing that she did with me that she did not love was ride in my car! I have totaled 3 cars in my lifetime of driving and Hannah dog happened to be in the car in 2 of those wrecks. Fortunately, no one was ever injured…..just my cars. But after that when we would go out the door of the house and I said to Hannah, let’s get in the car, she would stop, turn around and go back to the door. I would have to pick her up and carry her to the car. Once we got going she was OK, but she never liked the idea of getting in my car! But she loved traveling. She loved the beach, she loved the ocean, she loved hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing, hotels and shopping. She went on just about every trip that we went on and on every vacation. She was a great traveler….as long as she could ride in my lap! I think that is where she felt safe!
Another significant part of Hannah’s life was spent as a mother. Hannah and Rey parented 51 wonderful puppies during her 12 years of life. That is a record for Loveline. But part of the reason for so many litters is that she started young and she was a great mother! She loved having puppies! Her first litter was an accidental breeding by Rey when Hannah was only 9 months old. We did not realize that Rey was a very athletic fence jumper, even when he was 13 months old! While we were out walking the pack one day during Hannah’s first heat cycle, Rey snuck back home, jumped the fence where Hannah was hanging out, romanced her, and jumped back out of the fence and met me at the bottom of the hill with a big smile. It wasn’t until about 7 weeks later when I thought Hannah was getting very fat that we realized what had happened. This was our Teenage Pregnancy litter of 9 puppies. Stella, my sweet grandpuppy, who belongs to my daughter, Hannah, came from this litter. We didn’t let Rey get to Hannah again for the next year and a half. Her next litter was the 10 Wine Collection puppies in 2014. The other litters produced by Rey and Hannah were the Gifts of Grace which were born on Hannah’s 3rd birthday, the Yankee Doodles, the Anchors Aweigh pups, and the 2 Faerie Tails, Hansel and Gretel, which I had planned to be Hannah’s last litter. But since there were only 2 puppies and I had several families that wanted a Hannah/Rey puppy, I decided to breed her 1 more time. That was the 7 Hallelujah Chorus puppies. I thought Hannah was done, so I kept a puppy from that litter to continue the Biba/Hannah heritage! That is my Zeteo, also known as Sweet T or Teo. But wait…..there was 1 more litter….another accident at the very end. This was the Music City Trio, so named because Hannah actually whelped this litter of 3 in Nashville, Tennessee, where my daughter, Hannah, had just given birth to her first child! We had to be there and Hannah dog wasn’t going to wait on me….and I wasn’t going to let her do it without me! We were a team! The Hannah/Rey line is big and I am so glad to know that there are so many families that have a part of Hannah and Rey in their lives. I am sure they are all just as special to them as Hannah has been to me.
When one spends this amount of time with a dog, a very special bond develops between you and your dog. Hannah’s eyes were always on me; she never missed a move that I made. And when I had to leave her at home, her greetings when I returned were over the top dramatic with a series of moans, whines and yelps to let me know how much she missed me. I felt very loved….more so than from any other dog that I have ever had. I do miss her so much. Hannah and I had so much fun together at home, at the beach, on the lake, in the hay fields, in the woods and on our Therapy Dog visits. She loved doing all of the activities mostly because she loved being with me…..and she loved her treats and her green rubber ball! I am not sure if I was better than the treats! But I can say that a part of my heart is now missing and I will never get it back. My Hannah dog is gone.

Hannah Dog 2012-2024

Hannah Dog 2012-2024


What makes your dog this happy? My dogs are obsessed with chipmunks. The sight of one of those striped little critters makes them all crazy there is not much I can do to pull them away. Obviously Hannah is the only one with a perfect recall!

Congratulations to our 2024 Cold Nose College graduates, Teddy, Goose, Darcy and Winston! All the pups demonstrated to t...

Congratulations to our 2024 Cold Nose College graduates, Teddy, Goose, Darcy and Winston! All the pups demonstrated to their owners all the behaviors that they have learned over the past 6 weeks. Then each owner and puppy took the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certification test and all passed with flying colors. The pups could easily pass the Canine Good Citizen test but not sure that the owners are ready! The 4 pups have moved on to their new homes now leaving only 1 pup, Scout, with us. Scout's family is traveling during the month of July so she will not graduate until the end of July. That just means I get enjoy her for another minth!

This week we introduced the Cold Nose College puppies to the swimming pool!  They had been playing in the kiddie pool an...

This week we introduced the Cold Nose College puppies to the swimming pool! They had been playing in the kiddie pool and so it was time for bigger challenges! Some of them had to be encouraged to get in, but we had a couple of the puppies that were naturals! Darcy AKA Jack Frost was all in! He has always been the puppy that put his whole body into the water buckets and kept the puppies' water filthy so it was not surprising that he would think the extra large water bucket was the bomb! Darcy even began to jump from the ramp like the big dogs do! And he would stick his face in the w!ater while swimming to retrieve a toy! He was by far the star at the pool. Goose AKA Magic was the star on the slide. We have a toddler slide on the deck. The pups have always had toddler slides in their play yards since they were walking on 4 legs so they love a slide. We put the slide on the top deck which is 3 feet above the water level. Goose tried it once and then kept coming back for more! He wasn't a fan of the ramp into the pool but loved the slide....crazy puppy! Winston AKA Mystic and Scout AKA Laika both needed a little more encouragement to get into the water but they both thought it was great fun once they were in. And then there was Teddy AKA Mischief. Teddy has a LOT of coat and he does not love direct sun light. So we thought he would love the coolness of the water. Well, Teddy is like an old man at heart. We put him in the water, he swam a lap very calmly, he climbed up the ramp, shook off the water and proceeded to find a cool place to lie down and watch the show! Banner and Teddy must be soul mates! All in all, the pups had fun and we will return again today for some more fun in the pool before graduation day this weekend!

The Cold Nose College pups are working on their down stay behavior. Only 1 week left in their training and they are all ...

The Cold Nose College pups are working on their down stay behavior. Only 1 week left in their training and they are all right on track to graduate!

Hurricane Season began at Loveline on June 1 again this year with the celebration of the Hurricane 2021 Litter's 3rd bir...

Hurricane Season began at Loveline on June 1 again this year with the celebration of the Hurricane 2021 Litter's 3rd birthday. This has become an annual event unique to the Hurricane litter. All of the families of these 5 puppies were somewhat local to Douglasville and spent a lot of time together as 4 of the 5 puppies actually attended Cold Nose College together. So it is a fun reunion to get the puppies and the families together every year! The families also stay in touch via a group text in which they include me so I see lots of fun photos throughout the year!
The party was a success with 4 of the 5 Hurricane puppies, Rosie, Emma, Tovah and Nicholas, in attendance along with 2 of their older siblings, BB and Jet, from Tzeda and Liberty's Little Mermaid Litter, just 6 months earlier.


Cold Nose College pups love playing chase in the tall grass!

The Cold Nose College puppies are learning the ropes of walking in the woods....1st and last stop is the infamous rock!

The Cold Nose College puppies are learning the ropes of walking in the woods....1st and last stop is the infamous rock!

Happy Birthday to the D Day puppies!  We also want to remember all those brave souls who participated in the D Day Invas...

Happy Birthday to the D Day puppies!
We also want to remember all those brave souls who participated in the D Day Invasion! Thank you for your sacrifice!

It has been almost 3 weeks since we said goodbye to the Snow Moon puppies and the Magical Mystery puppies! Puppy Pick Up...

It has been almost 3 weeks since we said goodbye to the Snow Moon puppies and the Magical Mystery puppies! Puppy Pick Up Day was a fun day, but the 2 Florida puppies never left and 3 others returned on Monday for Cold Nose College! So the puppy fun continues! Last week a friend brought her 2 Siberian Husky puppies over for a puppy play date. A third Siberian was boarding for the week! It was delightful to watch them play! Looking forward to more play dates!

Act I of the Magical Mystery Litter was staged  at Pine Mountain Gold Museum Theatre last week!  The pups enjoyed the ou...

Act I of the Magical Mystery Litter was staged at Pine Mountain Gold Museum Theatre last week! The pups enjoyed the outing and were using their sleuthing skills to solve all the mysteries on the set! Stay tuned for Act II when they sniff out their new forever families next week and find their all the new stuff their families have waiting for them in the new homes! We are excited that 3 of the pups will be returning for Cold Nose College the next week! YAY!

Another famous Loveline puppy! Maggie lives on Lake Martin in Alabama. She is the poster child for her vet! Look for her...

Another famous Loveline puppy! Maggie lives on Lake Martin in Alabama. She is the poster child for her vet! Look for her on Hwy 63 near Lake Martin! Maggie is from the SARdog litter, Rey and Agape's 1st litter in 2016!

The Snow Moon puppies are quickly approaching Puppy Pick Up Day when we will have to say goodbye!  But only to 2 of them...

The Snow Moon puppies are quickly approaching Puppy Pick Up Day when we will have to say goodbye! But only to 2 of them! Three of the pups will be staying on for our board and train program, Cold Nose College! That is very exciting for me! I get to watch them grow for another 6 weeks!
We spend the last couple of weeks before Puppy Pick Up Day doing temperament testing, training and socialization, as well as a "fun" day of themed photos. It is fun for the puppies, but just a lot of work for the humans! Wrangling 5 and 6 puppies and getting them to do what you want them to do is like chasing the wind! The Snow Moon puppies cooperated pretty well, especially since we chose an indoor setting so they had a small enclosed area to run around in and we didn't have to chase them very far! LOL! We are always looking for puppy wranglers on photo session days! Our goal is just to document each of our litters for future reference and to get decent photographs of each puppy so that the families have something to look at when they are deciding which of the puppies they think will fit best in their families.


The Magical Mystery pups at the vet!

At the beginning of the year I had planned to introduce all of our current Loveline dogs.  My plan was interrupted by th...

At the beginning of the year I had planned to introduce all of our current Loveline dogs. My plan was interrupted by the arrival of our 2 new litters of puppies. I will attempt to get back on track with this plan with the introduction of the culprit who is responsible for the past 5 litters of puppies that have graced our kennels. Loveline's His Truth is My Shield and Buckler, also fondly known as Buc-ee, is our almost 2 year old and youngest of our 2 kennel stud dogs. Buc-ee is one of our own puppies from Tzeda's Baker's Dozen litter. I chose Buc-ee out of this litter because he was absolutely the happiest puppy that I had ever seen! He had, and still has, the most adorable face and a tail that never stops wagging....and the rest of his body never stops moving. He always greets with at least 1 stuffy in his mouth, but more often with 2 or more, and either attempts to share the toy in your mouth, or place your arm in his mouth along with all of the toys. His excitement when I enter the room never ceases to delight me, even if he gets overly excited and hugs me with his front feet as well! I love this dog. Buc-ee has been the healing salve that has helped me through the loss of my beloved Rey, one of our 2 oldest stud dogs, who died in the summer of 2022. Rey was my first cadaver dog with whom I began my K9 Search and Rescue journey. Since then, I have trained 5 other female SAR dogs. But last summer I realized that I needed a male cadaver dog. There is just something about the bond that I had with Rey that was missing in my life at that time. Banner had already proven that he was not the guy! Buc-ee had all of the characteristics needed to be a SAR dog and I had already begun field puppy training with him early on. He adored his squeaky ball and would go to great lengths to find it if it were lost or if I purposely hid it from him. He loved romping through the woods and was an avid swimmer. He wasn't afraid to try new things and seemed to have a rock solid temperament. His only nemesis was Banner, my already 2 year old stud! And so, joining my SAR team, of which Banner was not a part, was the perfect solution to give Buc-ee a reprieve from Banner on a regular basis. In SAR, Buc-ee would be #1 and would never live in the shadow of Banner! It has been a wonderful decision. Buc-ee is such a fun dog to work with and travel with! He loves everybody and is willing to do anything that I ask of him. This past weekend, Buc-ee and I traveled to the Western Carolina University Cadaver Dog Training, There we attended the Foundation Course for Human Remains Detection. Other than the training itself, Buc-ee loved the creek that runs through the campus of Western Carolina University. On the last day of training, the setups were along the creek. I asked if I could reward Buc-ee at the end of each setup with a jump in the creek. I have never seen a dog so happy about anything as Buc-ee when he found and alerted on the source and then saw his ball go flying into the creek. He leapt off the bank into the fast moving water and swam after his quickly escaping ball with great intensity Then he ran back up the bank, shook off the water and rolled with delight in the thick green grass. The instructor said that was the best thing he had seen all weekend! I think that experience cemented in Buc-ee's mind his love for HRD! I hope I can always make Buc-ee as happy as he has made me!

Congratulations to  Ginger, one of our puppies from the Pennant Winner litter!  Ginger just earned her Canine Good Citiz...

Congratulations to Ginger, one of our puppies from the Pennant Winner litter! Ginger just earned her Canine Good Citizen title and is now on her way to becoming a Therapy Dog team with her mom, Kate! We are proud of you both and look forward to hearing about all the smiles you bring to many people in the future!

This week the Magical Mystery puppies had the opportunity to share some magic with the residents of Wellspring Living! T...

This week the Magical Mystery puppies had the opportunity to share some magic with the residents of Wellspring Living! The puppies brought an air of homelife to the girls as they snuggled puppies while playing games, watching TV and napping. It was a great experience for the puppies as well, as they ran around and investigated every inch of the living area in the midst of loud music and teenage girls! The pups slept all the way back home.


Puppy play date for a little boy's 10th birthday! Happy Birthday, Kaidyn!


1957 Mann Road
Douglasville, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 5pm
Tuesday 11am - 5pm
Wednesday 11am - 5pm
Thursday 11am - 5pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 5pm


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