Bill’s beautiful Stendker Discus from StendkerdiscusUSA and Super Cichlids.
Here is a tank of Stendker German Discus from a very dear customer of ours for many years. He switched over from African Cichlids to discus fish! He bought these Stendker discus from our shop when they were 3” some months back and just look at them!! He only feeds Stendker Good Heart, frozen beef heart and Stendker granules. Proof that excellent care and superb food does a body good!! Thank you for the update Bill Emory! See you soon! If you want your fish to try Stendker’s premium foods just visit #stendkerdiscususa #stendker #discusfish #discusfood #supercichlids
Snakeskin Red Stendker Discus
First spawn of this newly bonded pair!
Stendker Red Turquoise trying to do what they’re suppose to do! #stendkerdiscus