So here we go again! The calls for Christmas presents has ramped up. Dogs/pets are not Christmas gifts! It's so frustrating when people 'shop' with their eyes and if we have a young cute dog, which we do right now, I am going to be verbally abused when I have to say NO!
People want what they want and how dare we say that this dog would not be the right match for their circumstances! If you want to crate one of our dogs for hours while you are at work......NO. If you want to put our small dogs in daycare.....NO. If you want to strap on an electric collar to shock them.......NO. If you haven't taken the time to understand we are no a shelter.......NO. If you want to buy a dog from us.......NO.
If you haven't taken the time to understand and find out what Intgrative care is........NO. If you want us to accept whatever YOU want to do with our dog, no matter our approach.......NO. When you are dishonest and we know it.......NO.
If you call us and then call back pretending you have not spoken to us.......HELL NO! Duh we have caller ID!
So don't waste ours or your time!
These dogs should never be gifts, they are beating hearts that can beat for possibly 20+ years. They are a commitment, of love, hard work, finances, tears, happy times and very sad. They can make your world be wonderful and the bottom fall out when we lose them. That is not something you get for a Holiday, that is a commitment for their lifetime.
I'm sick of hearing it looks just like my old dog, IT IS NOT and can never be and it's job should not be to replace your old dog, as it will always be a let down. They should not be given the job to replace, they should be allowed to be who they are and loved for it. So please don't call and get upset when we have to say NO, as that is our job. We work for the wellbeing of the dog everytime and we know our dogs and their needs.