It started out as a job. To raise healthy great tasting beef, poultry and eggs mainly for ourselves and sell small amounts to offset the cost related to building a small farm. It didn't take long for this job to turn into a labor of love. How could it not! Each and everyone of the animals depends on us and we in turn depend on them and we all have distinct personalities and traits. It's our intera
ction that bonds us. Take my birds, and make no mistake, they are my birds! Mark would rather handled 50 large heads of cattle that a small flock of chickens but he does love those eggs! From the minute you start feeding the hatchlings you become the mama and the bonding begins. The minute they hear me coming down the road in the John Deere Gator they run to greet me. I'm flattered even though I know they think I'm coming just to feed them natural seed mix or fresh vegetable scraps that is so good for them. always nosy, hanging around while I put clean shavings in their nesting boxes. They make me laugh with their comical ways and reward me with beautiful, healthy, omega rich eggs. Now the turkeys, dumb as rocks but will follow me anywhere. The minute I open the pasture gate they come running and then follow me where ever I'm going. I'm the Pied Piper of turkeys. Try cleaning out a turkey shed with 48 birds clustered around your legs. It's more like dancing around them. Just like little kids there's always one or two that's always getting into mischief like flying over the fence into cattle land or into the barn. You have to go get them and put them back over the fence or walk them around through the gate. Like I said, they follow you everywhere! Thank goodness that by Thanksgiving it's so hectic around here processing and distributing these gorgeous broad breasted birds at the "Turkey Pick Up Party" I don't have to think about missing them. Before I know it, it's Spring and time to start over again.