Different classes in my middle school decorated parts of the building for the holidays. I have no idea which class did this, but I couldn't help notice Muffin Man, the classroom bunny, being represented in this particular holiday showcase. Muffin Man certainly has a fanclub!
Our rabbits come with driving experience. If you would like one to drive your way, let us know!
*No rabbits were harmed in the making of this video.
Emmett's journey with his first litter has come full circle, selling the last of his babies and gaining a wealth of life lessons. We've been on the fence about selling Cap-bun-ccino. Over the last handful of days, it's been interesting to be alongside Emmett as he made his decision. He is now $200 richer and has gained invaluable life experiences.
Sun's out, Buns out!
And this is why I'm getting absolutely nothing done right now.
Tracks!!! An extra special bunny hopped our way!
While Doenut takes care of all 5 kits beautifully, Muffin Man lounges all day.
Emmett knows his bunnies. At only a week in and without palpating Doenut at week 2, he's been 100% sure she's pregnant just based on her behaviors. Emmett explains his decision to put the nesting box in very early...
Emmett is preparing for his 4H presentation. He's in the developing stages of writing a rubric that helps determine a rabbit's cuteness level. His criteria are totally original, not to mention adorable! He got the idea from the fact that at rabbit shows, rabbits are graded on a 100 point scale of perfection without consideration of "cuteness level." Emmett's rubric can be used for simple fun but also to help pair our pet rabbits with the perfect new owner. #4HGrowsHere