Hello friends,
With Election Day tomorrow, I would like to share one final recap of the work I have done, my plans for the next four years, and why I am humbly asking for your vote tomorrow.
Integrity: I’ve stood against corruption in my town, and I’ve worked in the county to improve our internal processes. I’ve done my best to achieve 2019 campaign goals, such as my pledge to renovate the county jail and my pledge to serve no more than 2 terms.
Experience: This has been a very busy term, with the normal ‘learning curve’ augmented by the COVID emergency and associated disruptions. We’ve all had to learn ‘on the fly’ and I believe that experience will be invaluable over the next four years. I’ve also found my experience as a small-business owner and my time on the school board to be valuable assets in this position.
Vision: Whether we talk about access to rural broadband, economic development, modernizing county software and processes, or even just paying county employees a fair wage - it’s a great time to be proactive. I believe I possess some key attributes: a problem-solving mentality, attention to detail, and the ability to find consensus with my colleagues.
Finally - Thank You! For reading this, for supporting me, for helping to move Clearfield County forward. I ALWAYS remember that I work for YOU!