Several corals will be available this fall. Seeing some good healthy growth. Please PM if interested. Thx. Kirk.
Morning in the farm tank
Morning in the farm tank. Finally moving some sticks into the tank. The water is now 8 months old.
First batch of Phyto
Ten days later.... Our first batch of Tetra Phytoplankton is dark green and bottled. Living algae cells to feed the inverts and corals. I'm starting the next culture batch in gallon sizes. I'll have plenty if anyone wants to buy a 16 oz. bottle. It will keep in the fridge for 2-3 months.
First Phytoplankton Culture
After buying bottles of phytoplankton algae for years I've decided to grow my own. We'll see how this goes. This is the Tetra marine strain, great for corals and copepod reproduction. Takes about seven days to turn dark green. Should have plenty to share. I'll probably scale this up a bit if there is local demand.
Nori time! The 7” tang used to be the boss. The rabbit is fearless though for algae.
Farm Tank Update Video
My 7" blue tang and new Biota gold rabbit fish are suddenly getting along well. It took about a week for the tang to realize that the rabbit has a toxic dorsal fin and will use it if provoked. All good now! Still waiting for the red cyanobacteria stage to clear after some water changes.
Farm tank progress.
Farm tank Sunday morning. The coral count is growing as pieces slowly come out of the QT process. I’ll need more lighting soon. I love that problem.